Salem Center Police Department

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Salem Center Police Department
Portrayed by N/A
Known Aliases: list individuals here
Affiliations: FOH
Socked By: Dex and others
Introduction: Traitor

The local police department of Salem Center, it's not secret many of its members are less than sympathetic to mutants, and particularly resentful of the mutants of "Mutie High".

First Appearance

August 27, 2005


  • Abe Carson: Chief of police and father of local junior FOHer, Duncan. He is a red-faced man with a reputation for anti-mutant prejudices.



Jan 22 – Tommy and his FOH gang set fire to the CoffeeQuake and Kitty suffers smoke inhalation. HeliX loses most of its human membership as a result.

Feb. 2 - Madelyn lets everyone know that the Salem Center Police Department may not be on the up and up.

Aug: - Traitor: 'Arrested' by some of the mutant-hating police of Salem Center, Tommy was taken to FOH headquarters where he was beaten savagely.

2006 Apr. 25 – Law and Order: Westchester: When an incident in the cafeteria at the Salem Center High School escalated into a riot, known mutant student Laurie Collins was blamed and summarily arrested and locked up by the bigoted Salem Center PD. Her mother contacted Charles Xavier and asked for his help, and he sent lawyer Nathan Dayspring to represent her. 2008

Sep 12 - Community Service: At a local diner, Inez gets herself arrested when she loses her temper at some townies who are being crude about Laurie; Garrison is called in to help; talking with the local police, Garrison finds they have a major problem as the charges are far more serious than the situation warranted and Inez is being held in a cell without bail; Garrison lets the staff know what's going on.

Sep 14 - Community Service: Garrison goes back to the police station and pulls rank, managing to secure Inez's freedom with the two sets of charges dropped; Cain drives Inez home and lays out her punishment; Yvette and Laurie both email Inez to check on her.


Red X Mission: Dangerous Load: Angel gets a call from a local fire captain, asking for the mansion's assistance with a rail accident involving a frieght train and a passenger train; Angel alerts the mansion; Lil drags Cammie along to help; Clarice recruits Fred; Jean-Paul acts as transport for injured victims to the local hospital; Catseye and Lil search for missing members of a school field trip; Fred and Cammie help rescue the freight train crew; Yvette gets Fred to help her rescue a guide dog trapped under a carriage; Forge guides Jay in uncoupling the remaining propane tanks from the freight train; Callie uses her powers to clear a patch of poison ivy so Kyle can evacuate passengers safely; Crystal gives Inez the Red X pep talk; Julian, Nathan, John, Angel and Crystal work together to burn off the spilled propane safely; Callie brings Julian a drink after his efforts; Jay gets Clarice to help with a difficult passenger; John steps in when Jay finds it difficult to deal with a frightened passenger; after returning to the mansion, Julian goes to bed early and Fred is freaked out.


Apr 6 - 3 2 1 Contact: Jada has an accident with her powers, injuring her uncle, and has an emergency session with Leo; her uncle leaves a bomb in the clinic as he drops her off; Forge raises the alert as Leo's phone goes offline; Lil, Tabitha, Clarice and Amara respond, finding three people injured and Jada dead; the local news reports on the incident; Clarice reports on what happened; Jean updates with the news Leo is in medlab, but okay. The next day, Garrison and Leo meet with the chief of the Salem Center Police Department to talk about who could have been behind the attacks, and Leo thinks of Jada's uncle, agreeing to contact Jada's parents to get Trey's contact information.


Feb 14 - Noise and Confusion: Nico, Catseye, Angelica, Yvette and Julian end up at the same resturant on Valentine's Day; the day is interrupted by the appearance of Julian's old friend Simon, intent on killing Julian; Hank later posts to the staff community about the group being arrested; the group cool their heels in a jail cell until Bobby and Hank can retreive them; Simon escapes from the hospital; Beast posts to the X-men community about Simon, asking for volunteers to track him down before the local police find him; with a trainee each, the X-Men split up to search; Cannonball and Pants on Fire get creative about searching the woods; Beast and Cheetara search the quarry and discuss agility; Wasp and Discharge have a run-in with some townies; Meltdown and Knuckles search a corn maze and get a fright; M and Lazybones find Simon at an abandoned farmhouse and after a fight, manage to subdue him.



Law and Order: Westchester

Community Service

Red X Mission: Dangerous Load

3 2 1 Contact

Noise and Confusion


Socked by: Abe Carson socked by Dex