The End of the Beginning

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Part 6 of the Genosha Arc - The End of the Beginning
Dates run: May 25-28, 2012
Run By: Dex
Read the logs: The End of the Beginning

Quote from the plot

Action meets counter-action and infiltration meets ambush.


This should be the characters directly involved with the bulk of the action.

List of character links, separated with commas - [[Character A]], [[Character B]] etc.

List of NPC/Villain links.


May 25-28, 2012

Plot Summary

The targets are located, and the combined forces of their people make their move. Unfortunately, the Genoshans anticipated such a strategy, and have been carefully salting false information and details through parts of the underground they’ve identified.

Bishop, Emma, MA and North will move into the Citadel’s main power structure, in order to disrupt both primary and backup generators when the attack is signaled. At the same time, Remy, Wanda, Vanessa and Jubilee will be heading for the main security room in order to destroy the Magistrates ability to effectively coordinate a counterattack. Doug and Wade will be coordinating their movements with the X-Men from a safehouse in the city. Once the power goes down, Amanda, Nico, Ororo and Callisto will head straight for the prison block to start freeing the prisoners.

The loss of power is also the signal for the X-Men to attack. The main assault takes place near the Citadel’s security bunkers, as Scott/Tabitha, Lex, Jean-Phillipe and John are sent to cause as much damage and attract as much attention as possible. As they make their attack, a group using stealth will penetrate the prison complex comprised of Kurt, Sharon, Kyle and Clarice. Their job is to quickly identify any Xavier’s people who may have been moved or put into isolation. Another team made up of Jean, Haller, Sarah and Paige will head for the main prison complex, to link up with the XF group and make sure all of the prisoners are accounted for. Finally, in the skies above the Citadel, Warren, Sam, Terry and Lorna are responsible for stopping any aerial reinforcements or prisoner transports from escaping.

Unfortunately for them all, the Genoshans know they are coming, and the Magistrates have a trap in place. The power does go off, but instead of staying down, an auxiliary systems isolated from the main power system comes back on within a few minutes; just long enough for the mutants to commit themselves to their attack.

Magistrate forces, including a psionic dampening mutate, make their way to secure the power plant, pinning down the saboteurs and forcing Emma and Bishop to escape in different directions. The group heading for the security room opens it, only to find a brigade of Magistrates waiting. Only Wanda’s powers and a rear guard action by Jubilee and Remy allows Wanda and Vanessa to break free. Magistrates storm the safehouse, capturing Doug although Wade is able to shoot his way free long enough to fling himself off the balcony, seemingly to his death.

The X-men’s stealth team is directed straight into a trap as both teleporters are depowered before they can react. Kyle buys Dori enough time to get out through the vents as Sharon shifts into her innocuous cat form and sneaks away. The flyers are able to bottle up the Genoshans for a time, until combat helicopters join the anti-air forces. When a blast brings down Terry, Lorna and Warren try to draw off most of the air units, giving Sam a chance to help blast clear some of the others.

In the prison, both the X-Men and X-Force teams are in the process of freeing people when a Magistrate strike team led by Betsy Braddock and a squad of mutates hits them. Nico, Callisto and Maddie are able to escape through damage in the superstructure, while Kane, Jean, and Angelo end up retreating and overpowering a team of Magistrates to steal their uniforms. Outside, the distraction has turned into a desperate fight, as Scott gives the order to fall back, mutate forces overwhelm them. Sam takes the chance to blast John clear, while only Jean-Phillipe is able to get clear on his own. He’s intercepted by Wade on his way back to the safehouse, and they link up with Fred, Matt and Megan, who saw the attack. They steal a truck and make their way out of the city before the roads are blocked off.

Emma, Wanda and Vanessa make their fallback positions, nothing they seem to be the only ones left. They make a running fight towards the roof, discovering a freed Marius along the way, and hijack a helicopter. It’s damaged in the escape, but holds together long enough for them to make a controlled crash far outside the city.

Meanwhile, Dori and Sharon are able to make it back to where the prison teams are pinned down, and under orders, pull Molly and Meggan out with them as the remaining X-Men and XF forces cover them. They go back into the vents, coming out in the motor pool and stealing an ambulance to head out towards the emergency evacuation point in the country.

Bishop is cut off attempting to escape but is rescued by JP, Artie and Sooraya, and they head back into the city. Over the next twelve hours, all of the small groups are busy sorting themselves out, linking up via emergency meeting points or using what communications they have to pull themselves together into coherent groups and get organized.

With the intentions of a gaudy show trial, Genosha announces that they have successfully defended against a mutant terrorist attack, and have captured most of the terrorists. It further states that its leader, one of the top criminals on Interpol’s most wanted, is also in custody. While the US would normally protest, quiet diplomatic channels to the President mention that they have proof the terrorist is a former US operative, and can’t be sure if and when his orders stopped being issued by the UN government. Genosha blames the recent UN investigation for inciting the attack, expressing dismay that lies and rumours provoked an attack by a powerful mutant group with connections to the Brotherhood. They intend to hold televised trials of all of the terrorists and see they face the full weight of the law.

Meanwhile, those still free hear the reports, and realize that they are on their own. As an object lesson to Xavier in retaliation for the invasion, President Moreau orders the young but already manifested Rachel Dayspring to be put through the mutate process, over the objections of the Genengineer. He forces the remaining prisoners to watch, but something goes wrong with the mutate process, and Rachel literally disincorporates in front of them, leaving nothing behind.

Xavier can’t risk sending in another X-Men team; not with so many hostages. Slowly, the various groups begin to determine what they can do to re-establish contact and give them a chance to strike back.

Related Links


Jenny Ransome

Phillip Moreau

The Citadel

Genosha Arc

External Links

The End of the Beginning

x_journal posts

x_communication posts

x_team posts

Trivia and Meta


IC notes stemming from the plot. Eg: "As a result of this Character A developed a crippling fear of ottomans".


Plotrunner: Dex

This arc is the X-Project version of the epic canon storyline X-Tinction Agenda.