Template:Selected anniversaries/March 21

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March 21


2004: Jono takes the whole trip out clubbing on his father’s stolen credit card. Scott tells Betsy he still wants her. Nate and Moira get together.

2005: Jean and Dani meet; Forge discovers Catseye's sabotage. Thermopylae: Kyle visits Nathan in the infirmary and Nathan tells him about what happened. Lorna plans to kidnap Paige to Disneyland.

2006: Lorna discovers that Scott isn't eating, so she dissolves the hinges of his door. Clean Slate: Moira has a hunch about Amanda's migraines and brings in some specialist equipment - on loan from Romany Wisdom - to test it; the test confirms her suspicions, and Amanda doesn't take the news well at all; while Curt and Moira discuss the implications of her denial, Amanda herself has a lot to think about, and finally accepts that her powers are coming back. Scott gets a visit from Ororo, who isn't forcing food into him but is there to listen, and they both find that it's hard to deal with feelings of betrayal and guilt. House of Wind: Nathan starts sleepwalking.

2007: Jean wakes up hungover and Scott talks her out of giving her students a pop quiz. Forge posts about the joys of synchronised green lights and Marie-Ange emails him about it and they discuss whether the Plan is working. The 10th Kingdom: During investigations (that involve setting Yakuza on fire), Marie, Remy and Amanda discover Yakuza are joining a Chinese gang run by the Mandarin; Amanda goes to the morgue to investigate symbols on the bodies of a couple of gangsters killed; Shiro and Marie take a break at a Chinese restaurant, only for Marie to be drugged by Shiro's food and captured; Shiro alerts the others, who use a combination of magic and telepathy to isolate Marie's location, only to discover she is the latest victim of the Mandarin's mind-control magic; after a short battle, Betsy uses her psychic knife to take the fight to Marie's mindscape and break the Mandarin's hold; Remy and Shiro defeat the Mandarin, but he escapes; Amanda heals the symbols burned into Marie's chest. Nathan plots to send Angelo to Madagascar for two weeks on a 'working' holiday. Doug gives Angelo the Talk about Amanda and they talk around the subject of Marie-Ange and Forge dating. Yvette and Crystal discuss their concerns about Jennie's continuing bad mood. Nathan tells Sooraya he has found her mother, although not her exact whereabouts. Homecoming: Bobby tells Nathan he has to quit Elpis.

2008: Shiro emails Alex, asking to talk and Alex eventually agrees. Prayer on the 26th of July: Marie invites several of the grads to come to Cuba with her and Garrison, leaving that evening. Forge invites anyone missing meat to come out for burgers. Yvette is excited to get an email from Cam, the boy she met in San Diego. Nathan is unhappy to find most of his staff AWOL on vacation. Lorna leaves for her Easter break. Marius and Tatiana share mutation details and Marius tries to help her accept things.

2009: Heretics: Nathan suggests an Elpis trip to Morocco to Catseye and Monet. In return for a loan of his book, Yvette finds Fred a modern English "translation" of A Midsummer's Night's Dream. Catseye goes to the library to study up on Morocco and gets help from Tabitha. Manuel seeks out Jean-Paul to ask him about the incident with Cammie, following his own meeting with her in the kitchen. Angelo and Jake go out for Mexican food and catch up.

2010: Garrison and Adrienne go to a baseball game in Florida. Kyle posts about the weirdness of being twenty and how celebrating his birthday on a weekend totally rocked. Laurie tries to convince Jean-Paul to bake with her by showing up with ingredients, but leaves when he stresses how uncomfortable he is.

2011: Callisto and Garrison intervene in a mutant bashing incident. Wade texts Marie-Ange, postponing their meeting. Kevin and Jean-Paul have lunch and Jean-Paul reveals that he's sort of seeing someone else as well. Wade gives Molly a moose. Molly posts to the journals about being given a moose. Marie-Ange posts to the journals about the moose in the stables. Sarah V. asks people to accompany her to the city. Sarah V. and Angelo chat about their respective powers and backgrounds. Yvette and Hank chat about their most recent X-Men mission. The air scrubber in Laurie's suite stops working during a passionate night with Eamon and the resulting powers mishap affects all the graduate students, leaving them unaccountably horny: Monet chases Meggan out of Kurt's suite so she can have sex with Kurt; Jean-Phillipe and Warren have dinner and sex whilst affected by Laurie's powers; Marius chooses to jump out a second story window after getting uncomfortably bitey with Laura, breaking both ankles.

2012: Laurie surfaces from her books to let people know she wishes she had time manipulation as a power. Terry is outraged by a news story about a tech company having permission from the Irish Embassy to extend holiday pricing. Terry runs into Vance, recognising him from her criminology classes. X-Men Mission: Amid These Storms: A group of X-Men discuss the information provided by X-Force and decide to set a trap, with several of the younger X-Men as bait; Garrison posts to x_team about having SHIELD support on the ambush for the next night. Layla delivers cookies to Vance, Matt and Kyle; Matt is gleeful on the journals about his cookies. Kyle recaps his birthday loot. Sarah V. suggests a double date with Meggan and Korvus to Layla, who hates the idea.

2013: Adrienne emails Doug, Emma, Amanda and Garrison, convinced that Jason Wyngarde is messing with her powers or mind. Adrienne Reads the couch in the rec room by accident and sees something involving Tandy, Sue and Clint that highly disturbs her; when she goes to confront her ward, it’s obvious to Tandy and Sue that she’s seeing things and they call for help; Garrison arrives in time to see Adrienne have a fit and fall unconscious; in the medlab, Jean tries to determine what’s wrong; Jean and Haller discuss possibilities and Haller agrees to go into Adrienne’s mind to see if the problem is psychic; in Adrienne’s mindscape, Haller discovers her memory is overwhelmed by past Readings - every one she has ever done - and helps her start to clean things up. Tandy texts Clint about Adrienne, upset and afraid.

2014: Namor helps Clint study. Jean texts Scott about going to Harry’s. Adrienne posts an update about the standings for March Madness.