Collective Soul

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This plot is currently underway. The Wiki page will be completed once the plot is finished. Feel free to read along using the tag link!

Collective Soul
Dates run: November 21-ongoing
Run By: Tapestry
Read the logs: Collective Soul

"This is so stupid. David, you're so stupid. Fuck you."

The events of A Haven to Call Home have wide-ranging consequences for the mansion's psis and one in particular.


David Haller

Charles Xavier, Scott Summers, Sooraya Qadir, Jean Grey, Arthur Centino, Ben Russell, Quentin Quire, Hope Abbott


November 21-ongoing

Plot Summary

Several weeks after David Haller was rendered catatonic by the events of A Haven to Call Home, various mansion residents witnessed a number of strange apparitions around the mansion grounds. These apparitions, wounded and confused, were unable to communicate their intent until Shatterstar realized the intruders were actually Haller's alters. Charles Xavier, alerted to this phenomena, arrived from Muir Island and quickly formed a hypothesis that Haller's alters had scattered across the astral plane and were now making their way back home, attracted by Quentin and Hope. The two were sent on an astral recovery mission while Charles and Jean readied themselves for the reconstruction efforts. Although the alters, confused and in pain, initially resisted efforts to be retrieved, Quentin and Hope each used their own unique method of persuasion. With the alters finally gathered, Jean was able to repair Haller's mind to its original state.

Related Links

Five Against One

A Haven to Call Home

External Links

Collective Soul

If the plot has vital links in other pages ( eg. x_team, personal journals), include these here.

Trivia and Meta


The alters represented in the plot were taken from canon. In order of appearance: Bleeding Image, Susan in Sunshine, Nurse Good, Chronobunny (a riff on Chronodon), Hunter, Endgame, Johnny Gomorrah, 155, Chain, and Styx.


Plotrunner: Tapestry