Template:Selected anniversaries/November 2

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November 2

2003: Jono and Paige exchange e-mails, beginning their relationship.

2004: Lorna moves out of the suite she shared with Alison. Dr. Strange confronts Jubilee about her involvement in the Repodemon attack and warns her away from anything related to magic. Jubilee posts a confession in her journal. Remy and Jubilee talk about her involvement. Anika visits the mansion to help with Mick. Amanda summons Rack from the dead to do the final unbinding spell that sets her free of him. Amanda shows Manuel that one of the side-effects of the unbinding is that she can heal the scars.

2005: Mutants and Molotovs: The X-Men do their best to contain damage during the riot and apprehend various rioters and looters, both mutant and human; the riot continues into the night; Alison overcomes her Youra trauma and uses a shield to keep people back and then dazzles them; back in the hotel, the students watch the coverage on TV; the monorail is endangered and whilst several X-Men are trying to stop it crashing as well as hold off a mob, Scott is hit in the face with a Molotov cocktail, breaking his visor and injuring one eye irreparably.; Alex and Jean wait in the hospital whilst Scott undergoes surgery and the majority of the students and X-Men return home.

2006: Scott informs Crystal of Pietro's status, asking her to be discreet. Dogs of War: The team splits up to investigate the werewolf issue; Wanda meets with the State Trooper who reported the teens missing and they follow tracks into the woods until they disappear; Doug and Marie-Ange pose as reporters and speak to the medical examiner who examined the skin brought in and discover photos of a mark on the back of the neck that says 'door'; Mark goes undercover at the local school; Sarah talks to a batty old lady; meeting that evening, they decide to find out more about missing loner, Josh Chambers whilst Amanda and Wanda research the rune. The Gates: Rahne and Medusa visit the medical clinic in Smichov. Lorna tells Julio about Pietro and he has a wiggins.