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[[Red X Mission: Hurricane Charley]]
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[[X-Men Mission: Leverage]]

Revision as of 15:30, 20 March 2007

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Terry is a recent graduate of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters and is an X-Men. She is married to Bobby Drake. Terry is currently enrolled at Pace University for a degree in Criminal Justice and plans to some day work for Interpol.


Character Journal: x_siryn

Real Name: Theresa Rourke Cassidy

Codename: Siryn

Aliases: Soundwave (X-Men Trainee name)

First Appearance: [May 14, 2003]

Date of Birth: August 6, 1988

Place of Birth: Cassidy Keep, County Mayo, Ireland

Citizenship: Republic of Ireland

Relatives: Sean Cassidy (father), "Black" Tom Cassidy (uncle), Maeve Cassidy neé Rourke (mother--deceased)

Education: Graduate of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters in 2006, currently in her first year at Pace University for a degree in Criminal Justice

Relationship Status: Married - Robert Drake

Occupation: College Student

Team Affiliation: X-Men--Active Member



When Terry's mother was killed in an explosion, investigators of the explosion presumed her to have died as well and informed Terry's father, Sean Cassidy. Because of his work for Interpol, Sean was out of the country at the time of his wife's death. In truth, Terry was adopted by her uncle (actually second cousin) who was jealous that Maeve had chosen Sean over him. "Black" Tom Cassidy was a professional criminal, given to con jobs and robbery and was a fierce supporter of the IRA. Tom raised Terry like his own daughter, poisoning her against her father. He spoiled her as he could, sending her to excellent schools, giving her harp lessons and teaching her to pick locks and pockets, crack safes, win in a bar brawl and run short-cons on unsuspecting tourists. In all things, Terry was an apt pupil.

When Terry was 10, Tom was picked up trying to pull off a job. When it was evident he could not beat the rap, Tom made Interpol contact Sean who was stunned to learn that he had a daughter. Sean returned to Ireland immediately and settled with Terry in Cassidy Keep. Unfortunately, Terry was extremely unhappy with the whole situation. Having always been told only negative things about Sean, Terry refused to even consider the idea that she belonged with her real father. Terry's early manifestation (during a bar brawl a few months prior to Tom's arrest) made life doubly uncomfortable when every screaming match meant replacing windows at the least and walls at the worst. Frustrated and unable to cope with his unruly daughter, Sean contacted Charles Xavier and made arrangements for Terry to attend the school there. She was 11.

Life at Xavier's

Post High School

Though she was technically made a trainee after defeating Nanny and Orphan Maker, Terry officially joined the team post-graduation. Jamie suggested the codename Soundwave. The summer turned out to be a tumultuous one. Terry assisted in both the clean up following the tsunami in San Diego and the search for Scott shortly after.

In August, Terry and Bobby went to Las Vegas for their one year anniversary. While there, they decided on the spur of the moment to have a 'fake' wedding ceremony which on even more impulse they chose to make a real wedding. Upon returning to the mansion, they told Clarice--who was stunned but accepting, Angelo--who was merely stunned, Scott--who was stunned and disapproving and Sean. Ororo found out from Scott (she disapproved) and Terry later told Marie (who vehemently disapproved). Following all this disapproval, they made the decision to keep the marriage a secret from then on though they did move into a suite together.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 120 lbs (appears to weigh about 95 lbs)

Eyes: Blue.

Hair: Red, curly, long.

Other Features: Terry speaks with a very faint Irish accent that gets stronger when she's emotional.


Terry can cause her vocal cords to vibrate over a wide range of sonic frequencies and produce a volume of sound ranging up to at least 140 decibels. Terry has thus the ability to shatter solid objects with a sonic scream. By focusing her sonic vibrations while screaming into an intense beam, Terry creates what she calls her “sonic lance”. This is a force blast which can shatter any known solid substance except Adamantium and Vibranium. Terry can use her “sonic lance” at a lower intensity to stun people into unconsciousness without doing them injury. She also has demonstrated ability to change someone’s balance, by affecting their equilibrium using her sonic scream.

Her vocal cords are tremendously strong, so that she can produce sonic effects through screaming constantly for hours at a time without noticeably tiring or injuring her vocal apparatus. Terry’s vocal cords and the interiors of her throat and mouth are also superhumanly tough, so that the intense pressures and constrictions that she produces do not cause her any injury. Additionally, her bones are extremely dense to handle the vibrations of her screams.

Terry's hearing is enhanced far beyond any other person in the mansion. Her range of hearing as well as sensitivity were measured by Forge and Alison off all charting mechanisms. Extremely loud noises do not damage her ears.

Unlike her father, Terry is capable of splitting her voice, singing in harmony to herself and even speaking at the same time as she sings. She is immune to her father's powers and he to hers.


Terry has no equipment as such but does own a full size harp and an acoustic guitar named Patience. For Christmas 06 and as an "I'm Sorry I Gave You a Communicable and Possibly Deadly Disease" gift, Marius gave Terry an electric guitar that she named Charity.


  • Has never met a music style she doesn't like.
  • Speaks fluent Irish.
  • Wedding ring is actually the promise ring given to her by Bobby the morning after graduation.
  • Snoops. Over and above just eavesdropping, Terry is an inveterate sneak and stalker who makes it her business to know everything that's going on in the mansion. She rarely shares this information though she has been known to pass along the whereabouts of various persons to Haller.



Red X Mission: Hurricane Charley


Remy's Eleven



In Giving Of Ourselves

Mutants and Molotovs

Emerald Isle


Not So Plain Jane

X-Men Mission: The Perfect Nanny

The Rictor Effect (as part of Red X)

Search and Rescue


Voices Carry

Living Pele (as part of Red X)


X-Men Mission: Leverage

Red X Mission: Whiteout


Player: Silensy

E-mail: 150px

AIM: TruNrthStar

Player Icon Base: Scarlett Pomers

Meta Trivia

  • Terry was originally played by another player and was adopted in June, 2004
  • The song Terry recorded for her father for Christmas is Isle of Inisfree and was based on the version by Orla Fallon