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[[Category: Plot Arc - Phase 1]]
[[Category: Plot Arcs - Phase 1]]
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[[Category: 2005]]

Latest revision as of 13:56, 28 February 2020

Hellfire and Damnation
Dates run: September 9, 2005 - November 2005
Run By: Alasdair
Plots: X-Men Mission: Stalemate, Hellfire and Damnation

Then he thought about what would happen when Shaw moved on the school. What Selene would do to any of the kids that didn't get away.

Maybe, if he was really lucky, he could get through this without too much blood on his hands.

In an effort to keep his family safe from the predations of the Hellfire Club, Pete Wisdom embarks on the hardest mission of his life.


September 9, 2005 - November 2005

Arc Summary

Following his father's death at the hands of Alphonso de la Rocha, determined to have his revenge, and make sure that his enemies don't attack his family again, Pete Wisdom quits Xavier's, and joins the Hellfire Club as their White King. It turned out to be part of a long-term ruse, with Alison Blaire his contact at the school. It was not without casualties - Amanda Sefton, believing she had been abandoned by her 'uncle', wound up making a deal with Selene to address her addiction issues and Remy LeBeau, struggling to fill the gap left in the mansion's intelligence network and his own sense of betrayal, wound up leaving the mansion after nearly killing Pete at least once.

Arc Plots

X-Men Mission: Stalemate - After discovering that Jake Gavin has been doing courier work for Wisdom despite the latter’s new role as the White King, the X-Men act on the information Jake supplies, hoping to stop Pete’s apparent involvement in bioweapons research.

Hellfire and Damnation - Following his father's death at the hands of Alphonso de la Rocha, determined to have his revenge, and make sure that his enemies don't attack his family again, Pete Wisdom quits Xavier's, and joins the Hellfire Club as their White King.

Related Links

Lost In The Woods

Trivia and Meta


As a result of this arc, Pete came very close to a nervous breakdown and spent most of 2006 avoiding direct operational work, making an exception only for Operation: Opening Salvo, which was personal business for him, anyway.


Plotrunner: Alasdair