Template:Selected anniversaries/July 30

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July 30


2003: Betsy receives a parcel of legal documents. Rahne practices being a wolf.


2005: Alison pushes too hard at training, and this time Haroun pays the price. An Offer You Can Refuse: Amanda goes to Strange's class as if nothing happened, but he has other opinions. It's all downhill from there. And then Selene makes her an offer, which is refused. Jay decides to see if he can't help Forge deal with his issues. He doesn't really get very far, but then they go and watch movies.

2006: Haller finally accepts a visit from Nathan and is devastated to learn that Nathan doesn't remember a thing about that day in San Diego. Terry and Bobby take off again. Bleeding: While on a layover in Paris, Jennie is being watched by an unknown person, who turns out to be Marius.

2007: Tabitha announces the card cataloging is finished. Yvette is pleased with the treehouse. Scott complains about his crutches.

2008: Seven Minutes In Heaven: Pete sets the Snow Valley team to finding Lense.

2009: Operation: Dead Letter Office: Mark and Illyana scope out a golf course taking pictures of suspicious people in attempt to find out who is running the auction for the synthesizer in Sun City; Mark posts to the Snow Valley comm to inform the Trenchcoats that the seller's name is Gareb Bashurand that the route the package is taking to get to Sun City has been ascertained; Jake calls Wanda to lift his spirits in the wake of dealing with his family. Julian emails Yvette to congratulate her on getting her learner's permit. Callie finds Catseye struggling to maintain balance on her bicycle and suggests training wheels (and a helmet.) Cammie visits Nathan in the infirmary and defends her opinion that he's crazy. On his way out after a Danger Room session, Jay notices Shiro in the room and goes to speak with him - Shiro is not pleased that his breakup with Kali did not go well and Jay challenges him to 'scuffle' to release some of his pent-up energy, and in the heat of the game both are injured; Sarah feels the damage done to the Danger Room and comments on it; Garrison lectures Jay in the medbay while Scott goes to speak to Shiro in the isolation room to chastise him for running a life-threatening training programme with a non- X-Man and instructs him to take a break from the team and the Danger Room.

2010: Butterflies and Hurricanes: Vanessa goes to the hospital to check up on her various missing persons and finds someone she didn't expect as well as a potential lead; Vanessa texts Jean-Paul, asking him to spy on Haven; Vanessa then e-mails Bishop about her findings, and she trades Laurie to him as his new assistant.


2012: Clarice posts about a possible vacation. Scott announces the arrival of a guest named Rachel. Megan posts about the girl’s punk band in Russia and their trial.




2015: Angelo posts to xp_teams letting people know about the new arrivals - Jean-Paul Beaubier and Amara Aquilla. Operation: Wonderwall: Tuesday happens again, with Wade answering the phone and Emma attending the bail hearing and Wanda is sure she’s done this before; this time the battle goes differently and the loop is broken, but at a cost; X-Force escapes, but Heinrich Zemo and Amora are still alive.

2016: Maya makes a journal entry about a Twitter post about people appropriating and disrespecting a tribe’s culture. Adrienne makes a journal entry about the night before and her fuzzy memory of same. Cecila makes a journal entry about how she enjoyed her two weeks off. Alex and Lorna go shopping for their upcoming hike.


2018: In the medlab Topaz is climbing the walls and Cecilia tries to calm her down. Doug posts about how much his body hurts, Quentin chimes in suggesting he get a fake one. Sins of the Father: Amanda posts asking the rest of X-Force how bad the situation with Topaz really was.