Template:Selected anniversaries/April 17

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April 17 - Garrison Kane's birthday


2004: Paige is called home on short notice. X-Men Mission: Plant Life: The team go out to help a girl having manifestation difficulties. Dr. Pym harasses Moira again, until Domino steps in to rescue her. A plan is made involving seduction and compromising pictures. Logan takes Scott drinking.

2005: Jake and Scott bond over cars, ire at Remy and plans for Jake going into the field as part of Intel. Alison agrees to help Jay record songs and perform them. Nathan and Alison talk about the next semester's curriculumn, and how they are both paring down the classes they teach. Scott and Haroun talk about training the trainees, Danger room scenarios, and leadership.

2006: Masque (plot): Marius borrows Masque’s powers to begin repairing the damage done.

2007: Our Hell: Pete notifies Haller that he has offered Illyana a job at Snow Valley and they discuss her options; Remy and Pete discuss the same. Angelo and Terry conspire to throw Bobby a going-away party. Doug posts about the Voynich Manuscript potentially being a hoax. Operation: Cruel Country: Remy posts his report on the mission and airs his suspicions the Brits in charge of the operation might have been EOE, before going into research mode due to his injury. Forge writes a letter to Masque; Forge runs into Jan after being released from medlab and gives her a miniaturised amplifier so she can be heard. Litmus: Nathan receives news of a new stumbling-block to mutant-human relations in Germany, a bigoted politician by the name of Baron Eric Wagner. Marie begins organising the Xavier's Prom. Wanda and Amanda celebrate a late birthday for the witch.

2008: Shakespeare Syndrome: Kevin posts his comments, and during the course of comments, it's revealed a number of the girls think he's hot and he kissed Angel in San Diego, and Jay gets upset; Pete is disappointed about the lack of dirty limericks; Jean-Paul's belief everyone is insane is confirmed; Jean stops rhyming and is confused; various people note the phenomenon isn't restricted to just the school and Amanda posts to the X-Force comm about possible patterns; Angelo confiscates Laurie's laptop before she embarrasses herself with any more admissions of crushes; Terry is also struck down and talks to Nathan about her wanting to do an internship over the summer with Interpol; Jennie confronts Marius on his lack of response to Manuel's return, and effected by the poetic truth phenomenon, almost admits she has a crush on him. Jennie drags Kevin out for waffles after her near-slip and they talk about their respective love lives. Kevin emails Jay and they manage to address some of their issues. Garrison emails Marie to invite her for dinner on his birthday. Amanda sends Ororo and Scott information on the Warwolves. Laurie emails Julio about his cheerfulness and is told the truth of his night with Nori. Amanda wishes Garrison a happy birthday; Garrison and Marie break up over dinner; Garrison posts to his journal in the early hours, depressed.

2009: Manuel meets with a face from his past. Various people wish Garrison a happy birthday, as the Mountie warns everyone that his younger sister is visiting; Lil and Victoria catch up by the pool and plot Garrison's downfall. Johnny welcomes Jean-Paul back from Quebec. Adrienne catches up with Garrison and his sister at Harry's. Scott and Jean-Paul discuss the events in Quebec, and are overheard by Johnny and the Stepfords.

2010: Logan and Cammie talk over shots, about the things they've done, the things they owe and what it means to keep trying.

2011: Callie makes a journal entry about her displeasure with dorm life, and asks if anyone is looking for a roommate. Jean leaves Garrison some caffeinated perky jerky, a mug, and a t-shirt for his birthday. Kyle makes a journal entry about the making of a Teen Wolf tv show. X-Factor Investigation: Cathouse: The members of X-Factor, along with Jubilee and Sarah, confront Barry and company; the abused women finally receive the care that they need; Vanessa and Laura talk after everything is done with the case. Laurie makes a journal entry complaining about having so much to read over Spring Break.

2012: Adrienne leaves a gift in Garrison's suite as a birthday present. Doug leaves Dudley Do-Right DVDs and a new Blue Jays cap for Garrison as a birthday present.

2013: Frank and Yvette talk about RedX, and Frank doesn’t punch anything. Adrienne makes a journal entry wishing Garrison a happy birthday. Jean leaves Garrison a biweekly subscription to Fresh Orange Juice of the Week as a birthday gift. Tandy delivers Maddie a belated birthday gift. Maddie and Clint talk about Maddie's new relationship with Sue.

2014: Amanda makes a journal entry about losing track of time while in the Ukraine, and wishing Kane a happy birthday. Amanda e-mails the staff of Xavier’s inquiring if the school needs a refresher course in how not to mess with magic.