Template:Selected anniversaries/February 18

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February 18


2004: Love Potion Number Nine: Marie-Ange offers to sleep with Manuel in return for his empathic help in stopping Doug from withdrawing or suiciding.; Amanda's future is discussed and the condition of her remaining is sessions with Samson.

2005: Jay asks Amanda to summon Kevin's ghost so he can get closure.

2006: Bobby asks Terry to marry him, but makes the mistake of telling her why, leading her to turn him down. Haller goes drinking with Nathan and Domino, and Domino proceeds to make the situation awkward for everyone. Bobby begs the mansion at large for some mindless X-Box time in refuge from his suddenly complicated life.

2007: Kaiten: Nathan calls Sofia and they discuss his worries about his friends; Angelo visits Domino; Rahne and Terry plot to make Bobby take a break; Nathan posts an update on the situation; Marie calls Angelo to check he really is all right. Crystal emails Medusa checking up on her.

2008: Amanda returns from England. Wanda installs Jubilee properly on her couch. Angelo returns to work, and Nathan asks him what happened that had Angelo avoiding him. Laurie writes to her absent roommate.

2009: Jubilee breaks into North's apartment to snoop and winds up having a revealing conversation. Cammie runs into a surly Jay in the kitchen late at night. Manuel goads a grumpy Lil over breakfast. Laurie and Morgan have lunch and try to avoid talking about Morgan's boyfriend or Laurie's interest in Eamon. Jean-Paul rescues Amara from the rowing machine and talks to her about her plans to join the X-Men. Jean-Paul brings Lil apology chocolate for upsetting her the previous day. Callie gets asked out by one of the boys in the play and later asks the journals what to wear, receiving conflicting responses. Operation: Anansesem: Doug realises the symbols they saw in Africa are the same ones seen in the the sewers. Jane needs help with her zipper, given the broken arm. Laurie comments on being thrown in the lake and her date with Eamon. Garrison and Lil catch up while she's working the bar at Harry's and he gives her relationship advice. It's the anniversary of Adrienne's husband's death and she spends it with Morgan.

2010: Laurie tags along with Garrison to Harry's and he winds up giving her some advice on how to act around people. John and Angelo have roomie bonding time and the subject of Angelo's new relationship comes up.

2011: Vanessa gets sick of Wade being completely incapable of laying still and just sleeping already. Operation: Louisiana Lowdown: Remy posts to x_snowvalley asking for the rest of the team to join Jubilee in New Orleans; Amanda posts about not being able to get in touch with Marie-Ange; Remy recruits Cammie for the New Orleans operation. Wade and Vanessa finally go iceclimbing. Amara comes to see Amanda but runs across Bishop instead and things get uncomfortable, then surprising. John and Jean-Paul do some catching up.

2012: Layla wakes up in the infirmary with Sarah keeping a vigil and they talk about the events at the church and clarify their relationship.

2013: Tropic of Capricorn: Unconvinced of Magneto's commitment to peace, Garrison decides he and Adrienne should sneak into Magneto's base to see if they can discover what he's really up to. They succeed, but they're discovered before they can do anything about it. Garrison is detained by the Brotherhood while Adrienne joins their ranks to become a citizen of Avalon. Adrienne sneaks into the base to send a message to the X-Men and search for Garrison. Upon receipt of Adrienne’s message Scott calls for all available X-Men to meet him in the briefing room for an immediate deployment to rescue Adrienne and Garrison. Adrienne tries to spring Garrison but encounters Mystique instead. The Blackbird makes a timely entrance to force Mystique to retreat. Cyclops, Penance, Polaris, and Adrienne sneak into Magneto's base to destroy his power amplifier. Wallflower, Johnny, Doreen Rocky, and Jennifer are attacked by Brotherhood members Nimrod and Scanner while guarding the Blackbird. Nightcrawler, Firestar, Bevatron, Roulette, Wolverine, and Cannonball hit the beach of Avalon to draw as many Brotherhood members as possible away from Magneto's base. Phoenix, Blink, Wildchild, and Dust attack Magneto's base in search of Garrison. Garrison breaks out of his cell and gets to the bomb room, where Magneto finds him. Phoenix, Wildchild, Dustbunny, and Blink come to Garrison's aid. Nightcrawler, Firestar, Bevatron, Roulette, Wolverine, and Cannonball break through the Brotherhood on the beach and hit the command center to finally drive Magneto out. Topaz meets Joyita and Angelo. And learns a little bit more about the school's interesting history. After getting back from the mission, Kurt goes to relieve his frustration on the heavy bag, and Clarice plays counselor.

2014: Topaz’s empathy affects Molly while she’s having a nightmare and Molly tries to escape her own nightmare by jumping out the window of their suite. Wade takes Molly to the medlab. Haller informs the staff of the incident and the fact that Topaz will be moving in with Maddie and Hope. Clint texts Topaz to ask what happened. Clint texts Kyle to tell him he won’t be in class. Clint texts Maddie to ask her to take notes for him. Clint meets Topaz in the library to talk about what happened with Molly. Frank texts Topaz to ask if she’s okay. Sue texts Molly to ask if she’s okay. Topaz texts Molly to ask if she’s okay. Clint texts Maddie to ask if she’s awake.


2015: Laurie posts saying that now Pablo is gone she wants a new pet and is looking for help choosing. Adrienne and Warren meet and he reveals that he always wanted to be a detective leading to him offering her a new home for X-Factor. Miles and Warren discuss their experiences of being mutants over dinner. Rogue and Julian meet up doing laundry and find things have stayed pretty much the same for them. After a man tries to rob Jean in a bar she bumps into Gabriel in a case of deja-vu. Adrienne tells X-Factor Investigations of Warren’s offer.

2016: Clarice and Wade agree to exchange knowledge... of swords and knives. Warren shares a dad-joke he found on the Internet with X-Factor Investigations. Amanda emails her apprentices (Clea, Stephen, Topaz, Billy and Megan) about magic training, and she updates the mansion's adults about Maya. Topaz responds to Amanda's email. Miles finds Bobby moping about his new powers trick, but Bobby doesn't want to talk about it.

2017: Molly is excited about a new fashion item - a strap-on dinosaur tail.

2018: Alex and Kyle contemplate ways to have fun with Alex's snow-covered skate ramp.

2019: Topaz announces she’s spring cleaning the library.

2020: Gabriel emails the powers that be asking to be sent somewhere warm.