David Haller

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Real Name: David Charles Haller

Codename: Haller

Aliases: Jim (primary); Jack, Cyndi, Davey (alters)

First Appearance: [January 14th, 2006]

Date of Birth: May 7, 1982

Place of Birth: New York, New York

Citizenship: American

Relatives: Benyamin Haller (father), Rebecca Haller (mother), Gabrielle Haller (aunt), Andrew Shomron (guardian), maternal grandparents

Education: GED, sporadically pursuing psychology courses at The New School

Relationship Status: Single

Occupation: Student counselor at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters

Team Affiliation: X-Men (inactive)



Haller had a typical childhood until the age of 7, when his parents were killed in a suicide-bombing of their hotel when on pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Haller was then relegated to the care of his maternal grandparents for some months until Andrew Shomron (brother to Daniel Shomron, an associate of Gabrielle Haller's, and a friend of the family) assumed guardianship. Later it was discovered that the time spent with his grandparents established the foundations of Haller's later dissociative disorder as their somewhat harsh treatment of Haller's introversion and "excessive" grief over his parents' death lead to the defensive creation of the happier, more socially acceptable persona that later became known as Davey.


At the age of 10 Haller was caught in the middle of a convenience-store holdup one night as he and Andrew were returning from a visit to a friend's house. In the restroom when the three gunmen arrived, Haller startled them by opening the door and caused one of the gunmen to open fire. Haller, shielded by his guardian's body, suffered only a bullet to the arm. Andrew, however, was killed instantly. Pain, terror and rage catalyzed his psionic powers, and the resulting manifestation destroyed the convenience store and killed the three gunmen, two clerks and one other customer. Overwhelmed by the death of his guardian and the horror of physically and psychically annihilating six people, Haller's mind shattered. By the time rescuers pulled him from the rubble the boy was catatonic. His grandparents placed him in a long-term care facility.

Muir Island and Xavier's

At the age of 13 Haller's powers again began to manifest in reality in the form of telekinetic and pyrokinetic fits. Seeing this as the final straw, his grandparents disowned him. His aunt Gabrielle, now assured the boy was a mutant, contacted Charles Xavier for help. Charles succeeded in extricating Haller from the institution the boy was sent to the Muir Island Research Facility for a brief time. Several weeks of psychic coaxing saw Haller out of his coma, but it was discovered that the trauma of his manifestation had resulted in Dissociative Identity Disorder (also called DID, once known as Multiple Personality Disorder). During the initial months of recuperation Haller bonded with Moira MacTaggart, who had only a year before lost her son Kevin.

Once Haller stabilized he was transferred to Xavier's in order to continue treatment with Charles. With the assistance of a personal caretaker Haller remained at the school until he was 16, at which point he was deemed well enough to continue treatment for his DID with more specialized therapists. However, because of the complications associated with his powers and mental illness it was deemed best for Haller to spend this time in the care of Muir Island. A brief, failed attempt at out-patient treatment at the age of 18 notwithstanding, he was not formally released until he was 20.


Haller's mind was once broken into many ego states, but has now resolved into only four:

Jim: The telepathic core-personality that was created after a "psychological reconfiguration" when Haller was 18. The distinction between David and Jim seems occasionally unclear even to Haller himself.

Jack: Mid-30s/early-40s, aggressive, and the holder of Haller's macro-telekinesis. Jack is an introject, an internal representation of an abuser, and yet perversely is also Haller's primary defender. His fine-control is almost nonexistent, but he is quite gifted at shielding. He responds to threats of physical danger or when Haller feels anger he cannot express as himself. He is co-conscious with Jim, but loathes him. He is Davey's closest ally.

Cyndi: 16 years old, sarcastic and assertive, the holder of Haller's micro-telekinesis (which most often manifests itself as pyrokinetic activity). She has a quick temper but forgives easily, and strongly associates herself with her ability to create fire. She is often triggered by social situations which Haller feels himself unequipped to handle. Of the three alters, Cyndi is the most cooperative with Jim.

Davey: 10 years old, powerless, and the "first" alter. Davey is self-serving, manipulative, and extroverted -- the things that David as a child felt he could not be. Davey would once act out in the form of screaming, physical violence and vandalism, but after a decade of therapy has mellowed to simple obstinacy. He is most often triggered by Haller's desire to escape from adult responsibilities or difficult emotions. Jim cannot remember or control what happens when Davey is out.

Psychological Disturbance

For reasons so far cited only as "a psychological reconfiguration," at the age of 19 Haller's DID began to spiral out of control. A year later, after several increasingly violent incidents with his telekinesis which resulted in third-degree burns, numerous fractures and blunt-force trauma, Haller was once again forced to turn to Charles for help. Unknown to both men, the psychic-inhibitors placed around Haller's TK had the unintended side-effect of artificially restraining the personalities that held them. Although Davey continued to emerge, manifestations of Jack and Cyndi grew less and less pronounced.


After his convalescence and release from Muir, Haller spent three years drifting around the United Kingdom working as a volunteer in various asylums. Due to his own experiences and the training received under Charles Xavier, Haller proved exceptionally adept at working with the mentally ill. However, despite his natural talent the work took its toll. In the winter of 2005, physically and emotionally burned out, he contacted Charles, who arranged for him to assume position as the latest in the long line of student counselors at Xavier's, supporting and eventually replacing the overworked Wanda Maximoff. Haller arrived at the school in early January of 2006. In addition to his staff duties, Haller began to pursue psychology courses at The New School.

The X-Men

Though initially leery about joining the team due to his history of mental instability, Haller's assistance was required to combat Chthon in Head Like a Hole. It marked Haller's first willfully offensive use of telepathy and the beginning of his involvement with the team.

Haller's telekinesis remained locked until The Rictor Effect, during which his assistance was required to hold back the tsunami in San Diego. By ripping off the inhibitors Haller succeeded in helping to avert the immediate threat, but released the latent personalities of Jack and Cyndi. In their attempt to escape the possibility of re-imprisonment the two alters assaulted Cable, Phoenix, Polaris and Rogue before they could be pacified by Juggernaut. It was the first time Haller had ever worn team leathers.

Physical Characteristics

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 165lbs

Eyes: Blue right eye, brown left eye (Jim); grey (Jack); green (Cyndi); blue (Davey, David)

Hair: Black, feared sentient

Other Features: While normally heterochromatic, depending on which personality is in control Haller's eyecolor changes due to a rapid increase or decay of the melanin in his eyes, which is a product of psychosomatic interaction between his state of mind and his own body. As a consequence of uncontrolled fits of pyrokinesis Haller has very visible burnscars running up the back of his right hand and arm, as well as several less obvious ones across his body.


Haller is theoretically a broad-spectrum psi, but his traumatic manifestation schismed his powers into the two most basic expressions: psychically affective (telepathy) and physically affective (telekinesis, subdivided into macro- and micro- scale). Because of David's inability to cope with the psychological ramifications these powers were allotted to other personalities; the core personality did not come into possession of any powers until eight years after his initial manifestion.

Telepathy: Trained by Charles and experienced in the rebuilding of his own mind, Haller's area of speciality is psychic reconstruction. A high ability to multi-task and thus perform functions like the psionic switchboard during missions is an unforeseen benefit of his disorder. He is adept at mimicking and customizing techniques demonstrated to him, and extremely talented at adaptation as necessity requires. Though powerful, psychological inhibitions restrict his range to 1-2 miles at best and he is psychically numb to any but the extremely familiar. Only Jim has use of telepathy.

Macro-TK: Telekinesis affecting objects visible to the eye, controlled by Jack. By far the least developed aspect of Haller's powers, a combination of mental inhibitions and genuine inexperience restrict him from complex manipulation or, under normal circumstances, affecting objects larger than around the size of a bus. It is notable that the physical limitations are far less severe when in the area of instinctive defense, as demonstrated by Haller's participation against the tsunami in The Rictor Effect. However, while the power is usually characterized by the poorly-directed hurling or smashing of objects, in the past Jack has displayed an unexpected talent for shielding.

Micro-TK: Telekinesis on the molecular level, wielded by Cyndi. Most often it manifests as pyrokinesis -- not because it's limited to that, but because that is simply the controlling alter's preference of manifestation. While Cyndi's fine control exceeds Jack's, emotional upset or simple boredom tends to result in unwitting spontaneous combustion. Occasionally this occurs slightly too close to the non-fireproof Haller.


  • Jim smokes Marlboro cigarettes.
  • Though he loathes the professor, Jack sometimes listens to jazz because Charles once suggested it as a way to mellow out.
  • After an attempt to telepathically force-integrate with Cyndi, Cyndi retaliated by seizing control, getting a tattoo and burning down a nightclub. To this day Jim still cannot remember these events.
  • Haller participated in a public search and rescue operation for a British Alzheimer's patient in the spring of 2004, which attracted the attention of Magneto. He was courted briefly as a possible resource, but declined. Due to the commonality of his power and his various restrictions Magneto deemed him not useful enough to pursue.


Head Like A Hole

X-Men Mission: Haunted House

The Rictor Effect


Player: [Tapestry]

E-mail: xemplate@gmail.com

AIM: EmplateXJ

Player Icon Base: [Milo Ventimiglia]

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