Dark Dimension Homecoming

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Dark Dimension: Homecoming
HDD Poster.png
Dates run: October 1-9, 2017
Run By: Rei and Sam
Read the logs: Dark Dimension: Homecoming

Quote from the plot

Vivid, unexplained nightmares reveal a truth to Clea that changes her whole world and threatens all life on Earth.


Clea Lake, Topaz, Amanda Sefton, Stephen Strange, Megan Gwynn, William Kaplan

Doug Ramsey, Logan, Jean Grey, Marie-Ange Colbert, Jubilation Lee, Arthur Centino, Artie Maddicks, Julian Keller, Miles Morales, Sharon Friedlander


Ancient One and his followers: Karl Mordo, Wong, Daniel Drumm, Morgan, Kacelius, Lucian and Kate


October 1-9, 2017

Plot Summary

Clea started to have life like dreams of a place she had never seen before. At first it was pleasant and mysterious but those quickly turned towards terrifying and more mysterious. She started to be stalked by an unseen creature and whenever she would turn to face her adversary she would wake up. Soon she found herself not wanting to fall asleep because it turn into a hide and seek where if she wasn't going to be the winner. On the sixth day of her dream-mares, Clea fell asleep in the library while catching up on homework when she found herself in the creepy place. The creature found her again and as she struggle to wake up, it reached out for her. She woke up on the floor, screaming, and her arm badly scratched. Topaz was nearby and seeing Clea sent an alert that something was in the mansion and took Clea down to the medical room to be examined.

Related Links

Dark Dimension

Sorcerer Supreme


Eye of Agamotto

External Links

Dark Dimension: Homecoming

xp_teams posts

xp_communication posts

xp_journal posts

Amanda's call to action

Trivia and Meta


IC notes stemming from the plot. Eg: "As a result of this Character A developed a crippling fear of ottomans".


Plotrunner: Rei and Sam