Emma Frost

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Emma Frost
Portrayed by Charlize Theron
Codename: White Queen
Affiliations: X-Force, Hellfire Club
Birthdate: July 14, 1972
Journal: x_celsis
Player: Amanda

White Queen of the Hellfire Club and CEO of Frost Enterprises, Emma has taken on an active role in the doings of X-Force, the clandestine investigation team she funds, while also concentrating on expanding her global business empire. She has recently started rebuilding the White Court, concentrating on a creating a Court with exceptional information gathering powers.


Character Journal: x_celsis

Real Name: Emma Grace Frost


Aliases: The White Queen

First Appearance: May 8, 2003

Date of Birth: July 14, 1972

Place of Birth: Boston, MA

Citizenship: US

Relatives: Winston Frost (father) Hazel Frost (mother) Adrienne DuClos (nee Frost) (sister) Cordelia Frost (sister) Christian Frost (brother deceased)


Relationship Status: Ephemeral but vigorous

Occupation: CEO of Frost Enterprises

Team Affiliation: Hellfire Club, X-Force


Early Years

Emma grew up in a household filled with cold contempt and quivering fear, with a mother who used pregnancy to shield herself from her husband's attentions. Emma was the eldest child and thus the least useful - Hazel's attention turned immediately from her when she became pregnant again. Emma's diamond-hard edges were born in a world where her mother ignored her existence and her father used her to prove that his children would never be good enough. His emotional abuse and neglect of all the children were extreme, continuing a family tradition, and while he never sexually assaulted Emma, he used words and actions to sexually abuse and humiliate her. Emma grew up a determined perfectionist, trying desperately to win some love and approval, while she used her own emotional depths to shelter and provide love to her younger siblings. But while Christian loved her back, her sisters were turned against her by her father's constant iteration that Emma was not good enough.

Everything came to a head shortly after Emma reached puberty. As her body and feelings developed, so did her telepathy. Her father's habit of forcing her to humiliating displays of her own body and sexuality became unbearable and she finally lashed out with the first manifestation of her telepathy. Her attack was weak and unfocused but she got to see into her father's mind for the first time. Exposed to his raw thoughts, she escaped at first into catatonia and then, when she woke, into screaming terror whenever her father approached her. Rather than attempt to find out what had caused her lapse, her father had her committed into the finest mental asylum in Boston and the family sought to forget she had ever existed.

Emma's time in the asylum broke her and re-made her. She was given a private room and purportedly the best of psychiatric care, although the doctors really had not the slightest concept of what made her cringe in terror when anyone came near her. What they didn't know was that her telepathy was manifesting fast and thoughts rubbed against Emma like broken glass, like knives. With no-one to help her through her manifestation, her capacity to control her telepathy was hard-won, gained inch by inch through Emma's indomitable will. She was still, however, a very young girl with a rapidly developing body and a rather impressive array of psychotropic drugs being pumped into her daily, interfering further with her capacity to control her telepathy. This made her vulnerable and this was exploited by one of the less savoury male nurses on the staff. Emma's sexual abuse at the hands of her father became sexual assault at the hands of the nurse.

Control, and the end of her torment, was won in the hardest of circumstances. Her mother, in defiance of Winston, made contact with Emma in the asylum. Barely recognising her now-exquisite daughter who appeared lost in sedation, Hazel told Emma that Christian had killed himself, broken completely by his father when he had displayed unmistakable courage in stating that he was gay. Her brother's courage energised Emma. Slowly she weaned herself from the drugs, learning to conceal and destroy them. Slowly she honed her telepathic control, her walls, learning to read the thoughts of those around her, to selectively filter, slowly to write her will over their own, to implant triggers. Her control was confirmed on the night she broke the nurse who had so enjoyed raping her. When he came to her room, she triggered her own trap in his mind. Her escape was easy after he smashed the window to obtain glass with which to cut his wrists repeatedly. She used her telepathy to conceal herself from the guards and simply walked out into the night. She was sixteen and the three years in the asylum, instead of breaking her, had turned her as hard as diamond and as cold as ice, with a fierce and terrible will. She knew that she would never let herself be in anyone's power again and was also determined to avenge her beloved brother.

Emma wasn't ready to regain her place in her family, though. Her formidable intelligence had combined with her telepathy to choose a path that would keep her concealed from her family, from any chance of going back to the asylum. Aware that she wasn't yet ready to face down her father, Emma tracked down his greatest enemy - Boston society grande dame Mrs Arabella DeLacy, who blamed Winston's ruthless business practices for the premature death of her tycoon husband. Emma offered Arabella the opportunity to watch Winston being broken, if she would provide Emma with a place to stay, an education and mentoring. Intrigued by the offer Arabella took Emma under her wing. Under her careful supervision, Emma finished her schooling, learned how to function in the highest of society, learned the ins and outs of running a multi-million dollar company. She also realised that she would need to develop certain attributes to function properly in society. As such, she took steps (mostly involving particularly discreet paid escorts of both genders) to normalise her sexuality and to overcome her existing aversion to any kind of intimacy. Unexpectedly she also developed a deep friendship and affection with Arabella, who discovered with delight that her student had a wicked and expansive sense of humour, with a very cutting edge. Emma never admitted it to herself, but it was highly likely that, during this time, she used her ability to re-wire thoughts within her own brain and overlay her traumatic childhood with the more rounded and strengthened personality that she knew she would need to achieve her ambitions.

More than anything else, Emma's timetable moved forward when Arabella was diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer. Wishing to fulfil her side of the bargain, she confronted her father in his home. She used her telepathy to drive home to him the magnitude of his crimes against his family, particularly his hounding to death of Christian. She also showed him her life in the asylum, immersing him in the horror of her own experiences there. Winston broke, far more easily than Emma or Arabella expected. Using the opportunity wisely, Emma made him sign a binding financial agreement that gave her control of Frost Enterprises, with residual income going to her sisters and mother. All other connections to the family were cut.

Arabella died shortly after Emma's ascent to control of Frost Enterprises and the shares she bequeathed to Emma allowed her to expand her own business rapidly, driven by an overwhelming need to succeed.

The world of business offered all sorts of rewards, but it didn't convince Emma that she would really be leaving her mark on the world, so she took an interest in a private school, the Massachusetts Academy in Snow Valley, MA, where she eventually finagled her way into the role of headmistress. She used the Academy to shape the next generation of power players, including the next generation of mutants.

After a collaboration with Sebastian Shaw and his company to pitch the initial Sentinel project to the US government, the project was shifted to a more anti-mutant stance without Emma's knowledge and subsequently declined by the government. When Emma withdrew her company's funding, a vengeful employee named Donald Pierce took a prototype Sentinel and unleashed it on the Academy, killing most of the students, with Haroun al-Rashid and Emma being the only survivors.

Living At The X-Mansion

Emma was brought to the school after her secondary mutation emerged, the ability to transform her body into an impenetrable diamond shell. When she recovered, she became a staff member at the school, as well as resuming control of her business and her role as the White Queen of the Hellfire Club. While at Xavier's, Emma acted as a mentor to a number of students, including Sarah Morlocke, Jono Starsmore, and Manuel de la Rocha, the latter whom she met in Europe after having been abducted by Sebastian Shaw and imprisoned in a mental institution. In exchange for the cooperation of the young empath, Emma promised to take him with her to the school, collecting Shaw's son Shinobi along the way.

Further Information

Emma chose to leave Xavier's school in 2004, to focus more on her business ventures. While maintaining her role with the Hellfire Club, she was a part of Pete Wisdom's scheme to bring down the Inner Circle of the Hellfire Club by posing as the White King.

Since the fall of the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle, Emma has faded into the background to focus more on her business activities, while quietly funding X-Force from the shadows. However, the global financial crisis that began in late 2007 has led to difficulties in maintaining this funding in its current form and Emma has recently decided to take a more hands-on approach the the affairs of X-Force.

Physical Characteristics



Eyes: blue

Hair: platinum blonde

Other Features: In her diamond form, Emma's body becomes a translucent blue crystalline structure, although this does not inhibit her movement or senses.


Emma is a telepath of high caliber, mostly self-taught but having learned much through her rehabilitation with Charles Xavier.

She also possesses a secondary mutation to transform her body into organic diamond. In this form, she is nearly invulnerable to physical harm, but cannot use her telepathy. Her mind is also invisible to psionic contact while in her diamond form.




The destruction of the Massachussetts Academy was instrumental in the development of Haroun al-Rashid as a character, although Haroun and Emma were only at Xavier's together briefly.




Daddy's Girl


As an NPC

Hellfire and Damnation

Lost In The Woods


Operation: Take A Bow

Operation: London Calling


Bhagavad Gita

Day Zero

Operation: Anansesem


Operation: Anansesem cont'

Operation: Godhand

Congress of Behram

Face The Blood

Operation: Dead Letter Office

Operation: Man of Stone




Player: Amanda

E-mail: AmandaEmail.jpg


Player Icon Base: Charlize Theron

Meta Trivia

Formerly played by Andrew and adopted by Amanda in January 2008.