Template:Selected anniversaries/October 31

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October 31 - Halloween, Jennie Stavros' birthday


2003: The first Halloween party - nothing explodes.

2004: Repodemon: the kids are attacked at the local nightclub. Paige snaps and Scott talks her down. Alison and Haroun are nominated CO and XO of X-Men Black. Madelyn and Moira plot to plan medlab schedules better.

2005: Mutants and Molotovs: Nathan, Jean and Wanda take a number of students to Seattle for the G8 summit on mutants; the airport is unsettled and Marie-Ange's precognition is acting up; Angelo and Rahne, later at the hotel, watch the news and see the tension is city-wide; Nathan checks on how Manuel's doing with the broken link.

2006: Halloween. Kyle helps Shiro regain his fitness by acting as his coach. Nathan makes Jennie a birthday cake and talks to Lorna. Ororo tries to make amends with Logan, but it goes badly; Marie finds Logan packing, but he promises it's only a short absence. Crystal delivers baskets of fruit and chocolate to everyone who was involved in retrieving Jennie and Marius. Mommy Dearest Redux: Kurt is formally cast out of the Szardos Clan by Margali for his part in aiding Mystique. Scott finds a passenger in his car after a trip into town - Pietro Maximoff, seeking refuge from his father after his role as double agent was exposed; Pietro announces his presence and he and Wanda fight; Scott chases after Wanda and drives her back to New York afterwards. Jennie celebrates her birthday and receives a surprise in the form of a cured (but bald) Marius. Kyle gets his pig back from the pignapper - Angel. During the Halloween party, Angel suddenly starts noticing Boys and has a minor freakout. The Gates: The Elpis crew - Nathan, Angelo, Rahne, Juliette Hathaway and Medusa - leave for Smichov via charter flight.

2007: Thirteen Days: Amanda, Doug and Wanda discover Cain unconscious at the bottom of a crater and bring him back via Emma's jet; Forge notifies the team Cain has been found; Garrison reports on Magneto's powers trick with his clothing; Laurie nurses Kyle, and gets asked on a date; Juanita Espinosa confronts Nathan about Angelo being hurt; Crystal offers her assistance in the medlab and visits Angelo; Laurie and Forge talk about the whole experience; Cain and Wanda celebrate being alive. Jennie's birthday, and she introduces Wally the Bruise. The day of stoned journal posts - various injured and drugged X-Men exchange stories on the journals. Jan threatens to drop candy on people unless they sign up on her journal not to. Kurt acquires a puppy - one of Lorna's. Laurie flails at her suitemates about Kyle asking her out whilst stoned.

2008: Kyle gets the letter from Cain giving him the groundskeeping job and he's not pleased. Crystal announces a Halloween party in the ballroom. Meggan is excited about Halloween and a new powers trick - levitating. Nathan eventually winds up talking to Wanda about Alison and how he's feeling.

2009: The White Court and Adrienne go to a Hellfire Club function for Halloween and go about their usual business of seeking out information while playing up to their roles. Crystal reports on her Halloween in Attilan. Kyle and Jan deal with Nico's animated decorations at the party.

2010: X-Men Mission: Who You Gonna Call?: Logan visits Jean in her room and tries his own brand of 'comforting' which doesn't sit too well.

2011: What Goes Around, Comes Around: Warren reflects on the party the night before; Meggan posts about thinking she was a unicorn and retiring her bent horn; Wade calls shenanigans and various party attendees reflect on the fact they've retained some abilities from their costumed personae; Jean tries to return various items - 'dinglehoppers' - she used to comb her hair as Ariel the Mermaid; Nico emails Amanda, letting her know the artifact she destroyed 'tasted' like the older witch; Amanda posts, asking who found the object and where and realises it was one of her old fixes; Monet is less than impressed; Layla lets people know she has photographic evidence of the party and in the course of comments, Layla teases Matt, Wade comes to Matt's defence and Matt and Kyle discuss the moral issues of hitting girls; Tabitha posts that she's hiding in her room out of embarrassment. Jean suggests a field trip to keep the students out of the mansion during Vanessa's Healing. Terry and Clarice meet for lunch and discuss Terry's marital woes, with Clarice coming up with a very 'her' solution of pole-dancing lessons. Jan provides Halloween cupcakes and cookies, but no candy drop this year. Following the Healing, Amanda crashes with Adrienne; Vanessa regains consciousness, but is paranoid and angry when Jean tells her she can't leave the medlab; Jean asks Hank to take over Vanessa's case; Vanessa runs into Warren on her way to her guest room and in the course of things, tells him she can't be more than friends. Layla emails Kyle asking what Wade's deal is and is generally disgruntled. On Hallowe'en night Sarah stops by to visit Layla and, after some suspicious activities with candy, they head out to Blockbuster to rent some scary movies.

2012: Laurie has a bad night, but has TV to distract her. Operation: A Hammer To Fall: Recovering after their failed ambush, Topaz and Taboo are attacked in their apartment and barely escape; in New York, Amanda rallies X-Force following a call from Romany Wisdom; X-Force meets and Amanda tells them of a possibly magical gang war in England that could need their intervention; in their new hiding place. Taboo and Topaz have a tense discussion about the events that brought them there and what happens next. Catseye posts a ‘public announcement’ letting people know about the Ghostbusters song and a quote thread ensues.

2013: Laurie posts about her nutty sleep schedule and wondering if there's a spell that can give her more hours in a day. Tabitha texts Cammie about not dealing. Adrienne emails Jean and Lorna about dressing up as the Sanderson sisters and crashing the students' viewing of Hocus Pocus.

2014: Laurie posts asking when she can leave the medlab. Wade posts about his Hallowe’en costume of Dionysius. Cecilia posts asking the person who emailed her telling her they were going as her right hook for Hallowe’en to fess up. Matt posts a picture of his rabbit in a cape. Megan posts about creating Will O’Wisps around the mansion that are harmless but appear to be moving around the mansion on their own. Rogue expresses nervousness about what’s going on at the mansion for Hallowe’en and says she is trapped in her room. Wade texts Topaz asking her to bring his stuffed dolphins and cheetahs to life. Angel texts Gabriel offering him pie if he has time for a break from work. Angel brings Gabriel pumpkin pie while he's at work and they talk about her costume, his job, life at Xavier's and the people there, and the possibility of a sexless existence as long as there’s good pie as a replacement. Matt comes to try to cheer Rogue up after she refuses to leave her room.