Template:Selected anniversaries/August 18

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August 18 - Marie-Ange Colbert's birthday


2003: Essex takes Sarah to meet Major John Greycrow, her new trainer.

2004: Trojan Horse: Cable receives his first assignment.

2005: Betsy discovers bad news about her eldest brother.

2006: Worlds On Fire: The cultist activity in South America comes to a head; Snow Valley and the X-Men are there to save the day, and Xavier’s ends up with a new student – Amara. Scott meets Angelica.

2007: Monet announces her return. Alexander's Wall: The conference is interrupted by an escape attempt by Ilyas Saidullayev and Nathan and Haller find themselves caught between him, the military and Magneto, with backup too far away; the X-Men are scrambled; Nathan and Saidullayev fight to a standstill and Haller manages to break the stalemate, but then the two are ambushed by Magneto, who takes the unconscious Saiullayev; coming to in Russian custody, Haller and Nathan are rescued by Gabrielle Haller and her connections.

2008: Red X Mission: Shake Hands With The Devil: Angel and Yvette discuss the helplessness of the situation in Sri Lanka as they are being flown home; Yvette posts that they are back. Amanda wishes Marie-Ange a happy birthday. Xbalanque: Angelo asks Julio to go along on an Elpis trip to Guatemala; Angelo lets the rest of Elpis know about the addition; Terry asks to go along too. Wanda goes over to the mansion to check on Nathan.

2009: Jubilee and Jean-Phillipe wish Marie-Ange a happy birthday. House of Wolves: The day after, Wanda and Jake don't talk about what happened, instead trying it again; Wanda makes her report; Wanda emails Nathan from Muir Island, where the group have gone for medical care. Reefer Madness: The New Mutants (including new student, Klara) arrive at the Adirondack Park Preserve and remeet Archie Wilson, the superintendent some of them had met during the first New Mutants trip, in order to observe a controlled burn in the park; an unexpected wind change results in the students having to evacuate, rescuing three hippies from their burning superdope crop in the process; faced with unpleasant consequences from their buyer without crop or refund, the hippies enlist the stoned New Mutants to help; Yvette, Angel, Catseye, Nick, Klara and Dori delay the collectors; Nori, Inez, Julian, Fred and Meggan go to Atlantic City with the Decoy to raise the money needed with a Flying Wedge. In Nova Roma, Marius and Cammie compare drinks and mutations before being asked to help remove deadly posionous snakes from a house; the celebration begins; a tipsy Amara tells Lex about her manifestation. A snuffly Vic meets Nathan down by the dock.

2010: Kevin texts Jean-Paul about his inability to telekinetically move his television into his bedroom.

2011: Fred makes a journal entry apologizing for not being social for the last year and letting people know he still exists. Kevin makes a journal entry announcing he's leaving for Atlanta and doesn't know when he's coming back. Sing Me A Prayer: The team finds a way to Akkaba, where unfortunately they find out that they're too late. Yvette announces that the end of summer BBQ will take place on September 3rd. Jean-Phillipe wishes Marie-Ange a happy birthday on his journal. Angelo lets everyone know that Warren is with him and okay after an incident the night before. The Problématique: Doug e-mails Jean, Adrienne, Warren, and Wade, updating them on how his research into Vanessa's disappearance is going.

2012: Sarah and Layla both wake up from nightmares and find comfort in each other and watching stupid movies. Renee meets Angel, and so much talking ensues. A Kind of Magic: The NY1 local evening news reports that a presidential candidate has fallen victim to a practical joke.

2013: Angelo takes Sue for a driving lesson and lunch. No Way Back: Hope emails Matt about the dinner with her parents and what has gone on so far. Wade asks Marie-Ange if she can skip work on Monday.

2014:Fury Said To A Mouse: Scott announces the return of the battered Fury team on x_team; Marius asks Kyle for a “donation” of the old kind; Cecilia announces the medlab is closed to visitors; Sooraya offers food to the medlab team and its patients; Adrienne encounters an exhausted and odd-looking Garrison in his suite and is unhappy at the situation; Yvette asks Cecilia if she can sit with Fred provided she does as she’s told, and asks Sooraya to bring down her spare bodysuit; Cecilia posts an update on x_medical; Jean announces she’ll be offline for a few days.


2015: Maya introduces herself on the journals. Monica emails Adrienne to thank her. Artie and Maya meet.


2017: Maya posts that she is able to go home and visit her family. Matt posts asking if there’s anything going on for the eclipse. Matt and Ev have a different type of sparring session. Clea posts her NY Comic-Con costume.

2018: Sins of the Father: A drugged-up and French-speaking Marie-Ange wants a pirate themed party for her birthday; Topaz texts Amanda wondering what sort of birthday gift says “sorry you lost an eye rescuing me”; Ty emails Topaz suggesting Marie-Ange should meet his parents; Amanda heads down to medlab to visit her best friend and talk over what happened.



2021: Artie posts in disgust about scientists doing Stupid Science. Amanda leaves Marie-Ange a throwback birthday present - the same wine they used to steal from the professor as students.

2022: Gabe texts Clint to compliment his new look. Felicia shares her good deed makeover. April asks who made Clint up and offers them something for their service. Following their Danger Room session, Clint and Forge talk the mansion, other agencies, and a little science.

2023: Hope emails Illyana to offer a meeting if she'd like, to welcome to the insanity that is working for Warren. Hope then texts Sue to bemoan Warren's actions. While exploring the mansion, Jess stumbles across Sooraya who is able to answer some of her questions. Maya teaches Sharon how to throw an axe. Illyana meets with Madin at Warren’s request to speak with them about a job. Transian Public Library: To achieve their goal Garrison and Wanda reach out to Silver Sable International; the team ambushes the envoy carrying the much sought after books; and as nothing's ever as easy as it seems, the creatures that were summoned by their attack give them a run for their money; Amanda and Wanda's combined abilities find a way to stop the summoning device; following the mission Marie-Ange receives a lovely birthday bouquet, which Doug later texts her about; Wanda meets up with Kevin and shares a drink.