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Moa kidomega.png
Moment of Awesome - Quentin Quire/Kid Omega: In the astral plane, Quentin explains to Radha that despite their shared goals he couldn't adhere to her future, before giving her exactly what she wanted.

Good luck. Still struggling to breathe after suffering death and rebirth second-hand, Quentin turned his full attention to Radha Dastoor. She could unmake him in a second, just like Josie, but without an audience to impress by putting him back together. He had to make this quick. He was already psychically reaching for the moorings as he began to speak.

"I wanted to believe you, Radha," he repeated with the same gentle, earnest tone he'd used when he'd first ingratiated himself to Haven. Then, it was an act to get on this good side. But there was no insincerity now. "And some part of me still does. I think you can help save the world. But not like this. Bringing about the Mahapralaya yourself and damning eight billion people to an ugly end is vulgar. This can't be how mutants win."

“It’s not how we win, you fool,” Radha hissed, all charm gone. “It’s how we survive. I thought you understood that. It’s why I need you, to make Haven strong. If Haven dies, if I don’t live, then no mutant does!”

"See, that kind of threat is why as hard as I tried, my own cynicism ultimately won out. I hope you didn't think I'd bolster your power without having a way to take it all back. So, Haven will survive, safely ensconced within the astral plane, but there's no road back.”

The telepath opened himself to the limitless power of the astral plane to become its living conduit. His eyes blazed with brilliant pink energy again as he directed that potential to shatter the scaffolding he had so carefully built over the last month. All that work so easily undone.

“The Mahapralaya will not come because you will not be there to bring it about. You wanted to rule what's left of a broken world? Well, here you go. What you ordered versus what you received. Bon appetit."

With a snap of his fingers, a tear in the lush scenery opened up behind Quentin, which instantly mended itself as he stepped back through it to take his own route home. The final scaffolding that bridged the real world to Radha's heart collapsed in his wake. The road back was gone by the time he passed the threshold to reality as if it had never been there, leaving Haven alone, lost forever in the sea of psychic aether that was the astral plane.

Today in XProject:

June 10


2004: Romany Wisdom and Amanda talk about her staying at the school.

2005: Jay and Forge talk about the kiss and remain friends. Madelyn confronts Jean about not sleeping and Jean collapses. Jubilee, Forge, Catseye and Carlie go on a roadtrip to California. Nate and Haroun argue about teaching and Haroun throws Nate in the lake.

2006: The Enemy Within: Cain defeats Cyttorak, along with some help from the X-Men and Illyana. Scott and Jean leave on a vacation.

2007: Graduation Day - Jennie announces she has graduated (pending final assignments in summer). Amanda is released from the clinic; John emails her. Angelo comes across Rachel, who has snuck away from her mother. Nathan and John discuss Elpis. Laurie talks to Nathan about the team. New Renaissance Man: Jean and Scott go through the travel itinerary for Robert Haverford and Daniel Lyman, and Ororo points out they're going to places Charles visited for study purposes.

2008: Jay emails Scott to tell him he'll be doing the Red X leadership course instead of being a trainee. Fenrisulfr: Marie-Ange makes her report on Norway. Sooraya announces she is returning home for the summer. Jubilee asks for a codename. Creations Beautiful and Wondrous: Nathan invites Yvette on an Elpis trip to Kyrgyzstan for extra credit. Marius announces his departure to the West Coast Annex for some extra training. Crystal announces her departure for Attilan, to Morgan and Adrienne's glee. Kurt meets with Emma and a plan is laid to discredit Baron Eric Wagner.

2009: Face The Blood: On the flight to Bosnia, Fred has a short and awkward conversation with Crystal about flying; in Bosnia, Inez finds herself sharing a tent with Crystal; Laurie reunites with Dr. Marcel and they talk about the demands of humanitarian work; Dori emails Johnny. Lil reflects it's been six months since she arrived at the mansion and that she has a meeting arranged by Scott; Lil goes to talk to Charles about psi-training. Shiro is excited to find out there is a gundam mecha in a park in Japan. Julian meets Sarah and is impressed by her powers. Amanda emails Jean-Philliipe about a plan regarding the bus run. Jake gets some painkillers from Jean to cope with the continued pain in his lost arm; Jake takes Cammie out for antifreeze and donuts and manages to talk her a bit out of her self-loathing mindset. In County Cook, a sudden transformation in a suicidal teen causes the treating doctor to contact his old mentor, Nathaniel Essex, who decides the boy needs to go to Xavier's school. A lost Sarah encounters Julio, who offers her the tour. Jean-Paul posts from Montreal. Zanne asks Callie about some sick roses, which are apparently sympathising with the chlorokinetic's flu. Lil and Jake go out drinking after her meeting with Charles.

2010: Lex goes to see Hank about his powers issues and it's concluded his problem might be mental and an appointment with Charles is made.

2011: My Long Forgotten Son: Artie and Annalee meet up again, and an invitation is made. Warren and Jean go for a walk and a flight together through District X. Jean-Paul posts to X-Factor, letting them know where he'll be thanks to his new protection detail.

2012: North texts Doug asking for means to work from a hospital bed stat. On Sunday afternoon, Scott takes Matt to church, where he finds confession is only partially good for the soul. On their way to Muir Island, Angelo and Sooraya have a talk. Tandy Bowen wakes up after being in a coma in the hospital for five days. Adrienne and Garrison go golfing on Sunday afternoon, where crankiness and frustration ensue as usual. Doug comes by the medlab to pass David a little something to help him through his stay. Jean goes to see Charles and attempts to soothe his guilt over the events of Genosha.

2013: Amanda gives Matt the Braille version of the first Game of Thrones book as an early graduation present; Matt is suitably excited. Tandy is looking forward to the new releases being announced at E3. Clint and Frank explore the mansion and talk about music. Lorna talks to Remy about her parentage and he suggests another DNA test by Moira MacTaggart, just to be sure it isn’t some kind of trick by Magneto.

2014: Rachel and Wade meet in the gym and discuss civilian life. Clint and Angelo discuss internship opportunities with X-Corps.

2015: Jubilee emails Kurt wanting to spend time together. Kitty and Cecilia meet and talk about the weirdness of a second stay at Xavier's. Roxy and Xavin hang out at school and talk about summer cheerleading camp and underground battle league. Roxy posts to the Generation X comm about battle league.

2016: Laurie reflects on soap operas. Alison speculates on an adage. Sooraya announces she's becoming an American citizen and asks Angelo and Angel to join her at her naturalization ceremony. Miles asks the Gen X-kids about the ACT and a local party.

2017: Sooraya and Jean make plans for a future research project.

2018: Darcy rewards herself with a massage for finishing her first year back at school before inviting people to watch the Tony Awards with her.

2019: Kitty finds a creepy object and offers it out as a birthday gift. Molly lets everyone know that she’s decided to dye her hair brown. Clea’s looking to attend this year’s NY Comic Con and makes a post asking if anyone wants to go with her. Fear in the Dark: Tandy provides Cul with an update about what’s happened so far.


2021: Topaz finds a disoriented Jean, following a long shift at the hospital for the latter.

2022: Terry messages Angelo and Sooraya about her trip back to Ireland. Pyotr and April do some puppy training.


XProject Announcements and News:

Welcome, 2023! As X-Project enters its 20th year, we have lots to interest our players and readers. New characters, new plots, new events... make sure you keep reading and catch it all!

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Coming Soon:

  • X-Men Mission: SummersSlam: A series of deaths across the country indicate the perpetrator is making a bee-line for New York. The explanation is out of this world.

  • Laved by the Gulf and Ocean Grand: A connection to Namor's erstwhile paramor has a potential lead about Atlantis, so the team heads down to Florida.

  • Bar With No Name: Garrison Kane recruits some help with an FBI-sponsored infiltration of a Maggia/Mafia recruitment drive of powered muscle, only for things to go terribly wrong.

  • Behold A White Horse: When the small Kenyan city of Marsabit suddenly goes quiet, X-Force (with some consulting experts) go to investigate.

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