December 2020

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November 2020 *** January 2021
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Interrupting the usual holiday preparations, an X-Force investigation into a potentially mystical serial killer became a bombshell that changed everything and eliminated the cone of silence between the old universe and Xorn's patchwork version. In the course of escaping a fake dimension created for the purpose of draining their emotions and life energy, Jean Grey tapped into the Phoenix Force and healed the cracks between the worlds, stablising Xorn's creation and allowing, for the first time, discussions of the truth.

It made for an interesting holiday.


Dec 1 - Maya mentions she doesn’t do Thanksgiving for obvious reasons and asks if she can use the leftovers.

Dec 2 -

Dec 3 -

Dec 4 -

Dec 5 - Marie-Ange comments on an article about Hobby Lobby illegally importing forgeries by accident.

Dec 6 -

Dec 7 -

Dec 8 - Jean organises a toy drive and asks for contributions and volunteers.

Dec 9 -

Dec 10 -

Dec 11 - Marie-Ange seeks Kevin S.’s advice on how to bring X-Force back into focus.

Dec 12 -

Dec 13 -

Dec 14 -

Dec 15 - Maya shares a TikTok and reflects on how her cochlear implants impact her experience of deafness.

Dec 16 -

Dec 17 -

Dec 18 - Operation: Siege Perilous: X-Force holds a briefing on a new case, a series of deaths where the cause is unknown but they look drained of all life energy and it’s decided Jean should be brought in for psychic help; Gabe and Natasha go to a dump site to look for clues; Kevin S. and Clea call on a member of the magical underground; Amanda brings tea while Wanda hits the books; Marie-Ange gives new recruit Topaz a lesson in field work; Artie and Amanda meet after using their respective resources and finding nothing; back at the office, Doug starts teaching Jubilee more about computer research; Jean and Emma look for psychic residue in Central Park and are ambushed by the culprit, a psionic parasite called Roma who pulls all of them into a pretend dimension; in Roma’s dimension, X-Force is called on to protect Dr. Strange, who is being attacked by the Black Court of the Hellfire Club, breaking a truce between the two groups; both groups set about locating Illyana Rasputin, the HFC so they can steal her Soulsword, XF because Strange left hints about her and the Darkhold, a mythical magic text; Cypher is hired by both groups to assist, but sets up XF in a trap when he tells them Illyana’s location but not that the HFC will be there; meanwhile, Sarah Morlocke looks for help from X-Force as her people are vanishing; during the ambush, leader Remy Lebeau is captured and Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff killed while Felicia Hardy is rescued from certain death by the enemy, Gabriel Cohuelo; Cypher kills Charlie Plunder back at XF headquarters; Remy is brought before Selene, the Black Queen and manages to kill Sebastian Shaw before being killed by the Black Knight, Amanda Sefton; the remaining team arrives back home to find Charlie’s body and Sarah letting them know a mass abduction of the Morlocks has taken place; Clea is sent to take care of loose end Cypher; in a suicide mission to stop Selene getting the Soulsword, XF attacks the ritual; Jubilee is killed by Amanda before Amanda is herself killed by Adam Destine; Kevin S., disguised as North, is taken before Selene and reveals the reason for his disguise - he has hidden forty pounds of Semtex in the gut of the larger man which went unnoticed; Kevin S. blows himself up and badly injures Selene; in a series of flashbacks, Kevin S. undermines Gabe’s loyalty to the HFC; Remy meets clandestinely with the magically-enslaved Emma Frost and makes her a deal; Amanda sees the departure of her lover Marie-Ange as the result of Remy’s death; back to the ‘current time’, Emma turns on Selene and with Adam’s help infuses Jean with the power of the Darkhold, which had previously been in Illyana; Black Court members Topaz and Clea attack Adam while he’s vulnerable, but Emma saves him and he teleports out with Illyana; Jean battles Selene, killing her with the combined power of the Darkhold and… something else; the amount of power Jean carried lets her reveal Roma’s machinations and with Emma helping her stay sane, defeats her and uses the pent-up psychic energy released by her death to heal the cracks in Xorn’s patchwork universe and exposes the truth about M-Day; X-Force return to themselves, realising no time has passed at all and that the other world wasn’t real; Emma calls everyone back to talk about the ramifications; Jean, distraught about what she has learned, goes to Kevin S. (who was her lover in Roma’s dimension) for comfort. He does his best but emotions are weird.

Dec 19 - Operation: Siege Perilous: Charles Xavier returns from Muir Island and calls a very important meeting of all residents; Charles reveals the truth of the last five years and announces that Emma and other P1 people will do what they can to help with answers.

Dec 20 - Operation: Siege Perilous: Jubilee seeks out Kevin S. to find out more about him, and he’s his usual grumpy self. Maya asks if anyone wants to go to Mardi Gras in February.

Dec 21 - Betsy announces her holiday plans, which involve spending time in England with her siblings and no contact about anything serious.

Dec 22 - Jubilee demands presents and food for Christmas. Jean and Gabe take a break from holiday shopping to talk about the other Jeans.

Dec 23 - Amanda emails Kurt and Meggan about their annual family dinner on Christmas Eve. Fourteen emails Marie-Ange about a post she saw online about someone’s personal murder of crows getting overprotective.

Dec 24 - Alex suggests a New Year’s ski trip for those interested.

Dec 25 - Christmas Day. Alison asks for technical help so she can watch BBC4 on Boxing Day.

Dec 26 - Boxing Day. Jean and Kevin S. catch up and talk about his past and her alternate selves.

Dec 27 - Kyle posts greetings from Disneyworld.

Dec 28 -

Dec 29 - Nica hunts down Gabe to talk about M-Day and the other world.

Dec 30 -

Dec 31 - New Year’s Eve.


Operation: Siege Perilous

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December 2020