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Moa pixie.png
Moment of Awesome - Megan Gwynn/Pixie: Sharon S.'s investigation of the mansion upon her arrival leads her to Megan. This introduction leads to the discussion of the unique characteristics of their mutations.

"I'll be your friend, if you wish. I'm Megan, though most people know me as Pixie." She leaned forward slightly, intrigued, while maintaining a respectful distance.

The change in position sent the lights scattering in different directions. The cat pounced.

"I am Sharon, though the internet knows and fears me as Catseye," she said, scrabbling with humanoid hands as she chased a splash of light across the concrete. Her tail lashed the air playfully. "We shall be friends. Enjoy meeting other heteromorphic mutants. New experience for me."

"Wonderful." Pixie's gaze drifted to Sharon's hands on the pavement, noting the worn state of her nails. "If you'd like, I could help you with a manicure. It's a small thing, but it can be a relaxing experience."

With Pixie's wings now stilled Sharon had no more lights to chase. Now she sat to regard the other girl, the lashing of her tail now concentrated to slow flicks of the very tip.

"I have experienced before," Sharon allowed, feigning casual disinterest. "But first, have some questions."

Pixie smiled at the hint of a shared experience. "Of course." Tilting her head slightly, she asked, "What do you want to know?"

Excitedly, the cat hopped forward a few paces. "Your wings," she said, craning her neck for a better view of Pixie's back. "Have met mutant with avian wings, but not insectile. Fascinated. You do not have an exoskeleton to which muscles can attach and deform torso, so means of propulsion must be direct flight, with thoracic muscle attaching directly to wing bases. Like dragonflies. Venation seems also roughly equivalent. Wings stroke out of phase also. Omnidimensional movement then? Up, down, forward, back, left, right?"

Pixie looked over her left shoulder to glance at a wing. "I don't really think about the underlying mechanics, but I can fly in all directions. And hover, which is really quite nice." She hesitated. "Do you mind if I ask where you came from? I've met a faerie cat, but I've never met a mutant with such interesting cat qualities before."

Sharon preened. "Not so exotic as faerie cat. Only a homeschool-weirdo from Manhattan. But I am very interesting." She circled the deck chair to get a full 360 view of the other girl, sniffing delicately. Sharon came to a halt beside Pixie and sat on her haunches, one clawed hand raised.

"I can touch?" she asked, eyes on the glossy membrane of the nearest wing.

Pixie eyed Sharon's clawed humanoid hands. "Yes, careful touching is fine." Despite their rough condition they looked gentle enough, and her wings were tougher than they looked. "Fascinating, to be an internet sensation and yet, a frightening enigma to others."

"Reddit trembles before me," Sharon replied gravely. Gently, flexing her fingers so her claws wouldn't scratch the gleaming membranes, Sharon ran a hand across Pixie's wing.

"Seem to be very many fold-lines, like a fan, maybe," she said. "Unusual for this sort of structure. Only familiar with basic claval and jugal folds, but my entomology is not so strong. See jugum, though, which suggests you can beat fore and hind-wings as one if necessary. Do you have sensation? Suppose some form of proprioception is necessary for flight, but curious if sensitivity differs from skin."

"It does differ. I feel temperature strongly, and pressure, but not with the same nuance as skin," Pixie explained. "Is your tail very sensitive? Might you be willing to share a bit about your abilities? Besides ruling Reddit and the internet, I mean."

"I am generous. I shall share." Sharon withdrew her hand and snaked her tail over her shoulder, twisting it into a loose spiral. "Tail is very sensitive, and prehensile. More like that of a spider monkey than a cat. Suspect a large concentration of mechanoreceptors involved, maybe. Not strong enough to manage brachiation, but I can grasp objects. Most useful for balance, especially if I must be on two legs."

"A prehensile tail, remarkable. The diversity of mutants, it's beautiful and endlessly inspiring." She paused, contemplative. "Do you ever, ah, wear clothes? I only ask because I enjoy creating clothing for people with physical mutations, who can find regular clothes shopping difficult."

Today in XProject:

July 27


2004: Pete logics Nathan into not blaming himself for Columbia as much.

2005: Family: Catseye finally comes to a decision, and goes to Forge with a very serious request. Bad Blood: Nathan encounters Alison face-to-face for the first time since the kidnapping, and gets her to relax a little; Alison goes for a walk by the lake, is surreptitiously followed by Terry and talks to Cain; Haroun takes some time out to try to deal with the enormity of fixing Alison, and Nathan helps as he can; Cain finds Scott in the situation room to ask why they weren't allowed to kill Sabretooth. Angelo makes a long-overdue visit to Paige, and what's left of their relationship comes to a quiet end. Afterwards, Manuel offers some sympathy and Amanda finds Angelo smoking on the roof and they talk - about his plans to leave the mansion, among other things. Still later, Meggan comes looking for him to offer fuzzy-little-girl hugs. Bobby goes down to visit Paige and all goes well until they start talking about the fact that he's living in Jono's old room. Manuel translates Baby Got Back into Latin for the hell of it.

2006: Buzkashi: Rahne takes Sooraya to her room, and tries to calm the girl down; Rahne and Sooraya are kidnapped back by the people Nathan purchased Sooraya from; Nathan, Bobby and Angelo come to their rescue, and Sooraya decides to accompany them back to New York. Jean also tells Scott she has to leave the school, as her actions during Scott's rescue frightened her. The Professor sends her to train in Tibet.

2007: X-Men Mission: Fin Fang Foom!!! The X-Men fly to China and split into two teams - one to protect a cargo freighter, the other to infiltrate the Mandarin's casino headquarters and and stop whatever he is doing to make the ships disappear; the ship team finds themselves fighting a giant purple dragon - Fin Fang Foom - and just manage to save the ship; the casino team encounter the Mandarin and break the spirit fount he is using to control Foom, returning the dragon to his composite pieces - 99 Chinese villagers; the Chinese government takes custody of the villagers.

2008: Seven Minutes In Heaven: Kyle complains about having hypothermia from saving Nathan; Jean lets the school as a whole know of Nathan's condition; Angelo emails Domino and the rest of the Pack to let them know. Sulaco: Monet encounters an unwell Jay, who throws up on her when she tries to carry him to medlab; Jay apologises to an unimpressed Monet. Garrison confronts Adrienne about the investigation on her and she agrees to surrender herself before the evidence leads to her arrest.

2009: Lex and Julio meet pre-coffee and eventually manage to communicate once the caffeine hits. Wanda runs into Scott in New York and they discuss recent events, and especially Shiro. Lex and Nick commiserate over women while hunting, and shortly after, Nick reveals his feelings to Catseye, still hiding in the woods, and manages to add to her confusion. Lex posts a sign in the kitchen regarding the luau. Jan posts about wanting people to taste various flavours of Nutella. Kyle and Jay discuss Sam before the conversation switches to Jay's relationship with Shiro. Fiddler's Green: Jean-Paul visits Nathan in the infirmary and Nathan reflects on killing Lense and the death of Carly; Jean announces on the journals that Nathan is allowed to have visitors. Lil and Jennie discuss babies, their childhoods, the weird happenings at the mansion, Lil's desire to go home, and men. Operation: Dead Letter Office: Marie-Ange reports that Arkady Russovich has resurfaced and has met with an Infonet courier.

2010: Laurie e-mails Vanessa about plants in the office, she goes a little far. Jean-Paul comes by the X-Factor office and finds a new face with a familiar voice.

2011: Amanda announces the news of Remy and Ororo's marriage while they were in France.

2012: Catseye and Korvus discuss eating meat before heading down to the pool to act as lifeguards. Ashes and Mist: Dum-Dum Dugan send Garrison a message revealing a young mutant girl has appeared in Madripoor; Garrison alerts the X-Men to the upcoming mutant threat; Scott briefs his team; the X-Men stumble across their target, but it’s not what they had expected; after searching on Cerebro for Xorn, the Professor calls Rachel into his office to plan their next step forward. Angel and Sue meet in the kitchen and Angel introduces Sue to fudgsicles.

2013: Marie-Ange talks about deja vu. Tandy posts Sue about how she is feeling.


2015: Namor’s demand that someone explain Cheetos to him results in a junk food and alcohol party. Operation: Wonderwall: The media reports on an altercation between actor Simon Williams and Tony Stark at a movie premiere; a drunken Rogue posts about the Williams/Stark incident.

2016: Maya emails Wade asking if she can go on a hiking trip. Quentin texts Kyle to say ‘yo.’ John makes a journal entry about going to Chicago and seeking help with paid cleaning services. Tandy makes a journal entry about fashion week coming up in a few months’ time, and passing all her classes. Rogue makes a journal entry seeking Netflix recommendations.

2017: Gabriel sends Kevin an encrypted email about, well, old-fashioned encrypted messages.

2018: Sins of the Father: Maya sneaks into medlab to make sure Amanda isn't dead yet, not when they have unfinished business; Grace decides to pay a visit to Topaz; Topaz is tortured again and this time gives up the names they want; her usefulness over, they prepare her for sale and Jasmine makes the decision to betray her family.

2019: Fear in the Dark: Jean announces her return from South America and posts the mission debrief about the Worthies. Cecilia says goodbye to Jean; Cecilia announces her departure. Case File: Take Me to Church: A father approaches Bobbi and Lorna about his missing daughter and it’s revealed his anti-mutant estranged wife was connected to the Church of Humanity; Lorna emails the rest of X-Factor to let them know they have a case; Quentin, Lorna and Maya research the missing girl and the Church of Humanity on the internet, while Sue and Bobbi look into the mother; Alex posts to xp_teams asking about others’ experiences with the CoH and Angelo responds.


2021: Breakdown: Maya and Nica join Jean at the Claremont Hospital; in the ER, Jean treats a mysterious gunshot wound patient, Esme; Purifiers arrive at the hospital, claiming to be looking for a woman; Maya, Nica, and Jean find each other while the hospital goes into lockdown; the group's attempt to get out is thwarted by Purifiers; Quentin arrives at the hospital just in time to help Jean; Nica is able to access the CB radio in the ambulance bay and alert the X-Men; when faced with a pair of Purifiers, Quentin witness a strange power in Jean; the X-Men - featuring Betsy, Clarice, Garrison, Kurt, Logan and Sooraya - are able to track down Esme's daughter; at the hospital, the combined forces of Jean, Maya, Nica, and Quentyn push the Purifiers into enacting their next steps; Jean and Maya learn more about the plan; the team inside the hospital is finally able to get a call out; Jean and Mayateam up to disable the bomb; Nica works on making sure everything isn't blown sky high by Esme; with the bomb situation handled, Maya and Nica take a different turn to deal with the shield surrounding the hospital; the arrival of the X-Men helps wind down the mansionites who'd been in the hospital, and a surprising proclamation from Esme; Garrison informs the remainder of the mansion residents to what happened, as well as alerting them the lack of footage by outside sources.


2023: Hope A. messages Sue about Warren’s promises. Clarice asks people if they want to go to the beach or Dairy Queen. Clint asks about holding a weekend long pool party. Haller wishes Sooraya a happy birthday. Forge reaches the testing phase for Darcy’s new Faraday Cage.

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Coming Soon:

  • Made You Feel Second Best: The Guthries call in some help when their younger sister Joelle falls in with the wrong crowd.

  • Something Slender's (Got To Give): The Askew World and the Slenders come up on X-Force’s radar, but it’s not X-Force they’re after.

  • Generation X: Cryptid Hunters!: In the wake of the latest Slendermen encounter, Gen X takes a road trip to discover what other urban myths just might actually be real.

  • Case File: Feel the Rush: X-Factor investigates a new deadly party drug following an overdose at a District X club.

  • Or Is He Both? When a series of gamma radiation related deaths occur in Colorado, the X-Men investigate a connection to a deceased teenaged mutant.

  • Don't Quit Your Day Job: Rogue breaks the cardinal rule of spam - she clicks the link - and winds up caught up in a mutant sex ring.

  • Mission: What of the Hunting, Hunter Bold? Liam and Sharon's zoo leads to unexpected events and a small mission for the X-Men.

  • DIXIE DEAD SHAKE When Garrison's RCMP duties bring him to New Orleans, a few more mansionites tag along and find the town off in ways that may lead to danger.

  • Humanis Honoribus Amicis: News of a new disturbing turn in American politics has Hope Abbott investigating.

  • Plot hha.jpg

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