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Moa bruiser.png
Moment of Awesome - Molly Hayes/Bruiser: Death enters the battlefield for the first time in New York, and despite Gabe's best efforts begins to take ground, before the appearance of Molly.

Death finished flexing his fingers, and turned his open palm towards Gabriel. A ring of jagged teeth gaped obscenely back at him.

"Are you perhaps the sort of man who has developed a visceral hatred of 'Time in a Bottle'?" asked the Horseman.

A sound somewhere between a crackling and a humming noise was heard as two rounds of electricity belonging to a small drone shot at Death's side and lower back from overhead.

"Am I interrupting the golden oldies reminiscing?" came the voice from the drone, which sounded like Molly, who was nowhere to be found. "Good. Zap zap motherforker."

Death's muscles seized at the current. The shock was not organic in origin: nothing his mutation could absorb. Fortunately his other enhancements compensated for it, at least enough to allow him to teleport out of the drone's range. Barely missing a beat, the Horseman gouged a chunk of concrete from the curb and hurled it at the drone with pin-point accuracy. It exploded in a sad shower of metal and circuitry.

"Suppose I deserved that for neglecting you. My apologies, Molly. That was impolite of me." Death cast about for the drone's controller, orange eyes scanning the sidestreets.

Another electric zap erupted at him from another drone strategically hovering nearby.

"Don't worry about it," Molly said, this time right next to him, her eyes glowing purple as she cold-clocked him with a punch, using the zap as a distraction.

For all of Gabriel's time manipulation, his strength had still been that of a baseline human. Molly's was not. The blow sent Death flying into a storefront with an impact so great a piece of his ashen armour went spinning across the street.

Today in XProject:

May 18: Hope Abbott's Birthday

2003: Jean's memorial service. John leaves to join Magneto.

2004: An argument between Manuel and Nathan is broken up by Moira, who reassures Nathan that she’s fine. Manuel also has an argument over e-mail with Amanda. Alison and Miles meet GW. Domino chills with Amanda and Angelo, who later goes to punch stuff with Sarah. Angelo and Amanda also visit Nathan (separately), but meet up later to talk. Piotr e-mails Charles about being his bodyguard. Moira turns down Clarice’s offer of medlab help. Skippy (plot): Charles explains to Jamie why tracking Skippy is so difficult. Pete gives Manuel The Talk, and offers up some advice to Amanda.

2005: Amanda talks with Remy about his wedding gift; being sick lowers his defenses and he is honest with her. While helping Dani study math, Manuel uses his empathy to make her feel better than she has in a long time. Stigmata: Haroun runs into Paige after a Danger Room session and her paranoia continues to increase. Haroun displays some disturbing behavior during a routine medical exam with Madelyn. Lorna asks Remy some questions and he is unable to lie to her. Catseye outs SOG on the journal system and the Guthries get upset.

2006: Bleeding: Marius borrows Kurt’s powers and practices teleporting. Scott and Jean go for a drive.

2007: Jan anticipates her birthday in two weeks. Amanda asks Marie-Ange, Sofia and Wanda for help with a dress for the Elpis dinner. Angelo discovers Nathan has been avoiding Jack's calls. Ahab (plot): Jennie and Marius talk about what happened, and she goads him into reacting; later, Marie finds them napping together. Jan visits Kyle and reassures herself he's all right. Haller attempts to apologise for forgetting his and Betsy's birthdays, realises he forgot their first year anniversary, and then they discover they have an accidental psychic link, which makes things even more awkward.

2008: Charles announces that Scott and Ororo will be standing down as headmasters and that the school will be undergoing some changes over the summer. Forge meets Callisto and they work out a prospective job. Gene Nation (plot): Remy announces to the XF comm that he has to stay out of New York for the time being to avoid trouble with David Langstrom; Sarah emails Amanda welcoming her back and mentioning more Morlocks have been found. Bedlam: Adrienne notes a newspaper story about Amanda's muggers being found naked and amnesiac and lets the cat out of the bag as to her being missing.

2009: Halflight: Tabitha finds herself in the hands of the Serpent Society and overhears Telford Porter has given her to them as a weapon for the Black Court. Wanda, Jake and Amanda go out for belated birthday drinks, and among other things, Amanda arranges a date for Meggan to the prom. Laurie and Crystal discuss relationships on their way back to New York. Johnny and Doreen decide to go to the prom together.

2010: Laurie emails Yvette and Hank about Kyle's recovery routine. On a visit to the Snow Valley offices, Meggan takes the chance to thank Remy for helping save her life from Selene.

2011: Vanessa and Warren, having a lazy day, discuss Warren's investment options in District X. Yvette announces the Prom is coming up and asks for volunteers. Jan invites Kyle, Kevin and Matt to her graduation ceremony. Kevin takes "John" to a male strip joint as a birthday prank, establishing his heterosexuality before taking him to a female strip joint instead.

2012: Wade texts Marie-Ange to let her know he's out of town for the day. Kyle posts about getting a substitute teaching day at a school in District X. For Free Trade: Layla gets a ride with Laurie to the protest; the Xavier's people go to the protest by bus and discuss what might be happen; the protest is in full swing when the Xavier group arrives, with far more people than they expected; a bomb goes off at the protest, causing the Xavier's people to cluster together against the panic; a second bomb goes off and the Xaverites vanish in a strange blue glow, unnoticed by anyone else; Kurt raises the alarm on x_team, Marie-Ange does the same on x_snowvalley, but no-one can get in touch with those who were at the rally; Wade texts Marie-Ange about what is happening at the protest and she tells him to come in; the kidnapped Xavierites find themselves in a concrete room, facing Thomas Moreau, brother to the Genoshan President, as well as Betsy Braddock, now a magistrate, naked and then powerless; Jean-Paul grabs Artie and escapes, while Sooraya turns to sand and escapes into the ventilation shafts; Charles posts to x_journal notifying everyone that he briefly found the missing group in Genosha, before they disappeared from Cerebro's readings; midnight in Genosha, the kidnapped mutants are left in cells to contemplate what has happened.

2013: Hope e-mails Sue inquiring about finding a place that makes business cards. Jean-Phillipe declares a Eurovision watching party in the rec room on his journal, and posts a video of Greece’s entry. Johnny asks Yvette about Red X after a Danger Room run. Tandy and Clint enjoy Junior Prom and show off some unique dance moves.

2014: On the second anniversary of the Genosha rally abductions, Fred posts drunkenly about cupcakes and muffins and emails Callie a picture of his left eyebrow.

2015: Alison posts she can’t sleep and gets advice on good blinds for her room. Marie-Ange emails Doug asking if he can talk to her about the Frankenberry Cat Alison. Operation: Big Trouble in Little Lowtown Acting on the information gathered, half of X-Force lay in wait for their thief who turns out to be a handful, while the rest of the team work out what their target is trying to do.

2016: Gabriel leaves a goldfish outside Namor’s suite with no card or explanation. Jessica posts about how a friend of hers has been ignoring her and receives some solid advice from Maya. Jubilee wonders why there is a fish outside Namor’s room.

2017: Warren sends Lorna a present to help her feel better. Warren and Topaz send Hope A. a birthday present. Doug discusses his disgust with the new cicada schedule, as they’re four years early.

2018: Lorna emails X-Factor pulling everyone off the case in the wake of Quentin’s actions the night before; Lorna tries to get in touch with Warren after talking to the lawyer representing the individual Quentin harassed; Alex texts Quentin to find out what is going on; Jean emails Rogue to let her know about the previous night’s disasters.

2019: Betsy is horrified to find it’s the Eurovision Song Contest finals.


2021: Molly is playing the Resident Evil video games and asks people for their favourite zombie property.


2023: Haller announces to the mansion that he is indeed back, though he’ll be going back and forth to Muir. Kyle sends emails to Match and Shatterstar concerning finishing their education, to Madin asking if they’d like to pursue education, and to Illyana to confirm she’s got her GED or otherwise offer her options. Terry texts Angelo about legal funds that have been donated.

XProject Announcements and News:

It's a time of hellos and goodbyes. A warm welcome to new player Isaura, who's bringing in Alani Ryan!

And long-time player Azzy has left the game, leaving her characters Jennie Stavros and Amadeus Cho open for application. All the best Azzy!

Finals: June 12-20.

Last Day of School: June 20.

New School Year Starts: September 5.

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Coming Soon:

  • Set Fire To The Rain: A new attempt to portray the Hulk as a public danger results in near-disaster for New York.

  • Operation: Mad Men: A decades old case comes back to haunt Kevin Sydney.

  • Sins of the Father: What appears to be a series of odd ailments turns into a crisis for the mansion dwellers - and Topaz is unknowingly at the center of it all.

  • eXcalibur: Isle of Glass: A favour for an old friend lands Clint Barton in a whole lot of trouble, involving ancient British magic and the start of a new team.

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