The End of the Beginning

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Part 6 of the Genosha Arc - The End of the Beginning
Genosha 6.jpg
Dates run: May 25-28, 2012
Run By: Dex
Read the logs: The End of the Beginning

Quote from the plot

Action meets counter-action and infiltration meets ambush.


Infiltration Team 1/Safehouse: Cypher, Deadpool

Infiltration Team 2: Daytripper, Storm, Callisto, Grasshopper

Infiltration Team 3: Gambit, Jubilee, Scarlet Witch

Infiltration Team 4: Bishop, The White Queen, Tarot, Maverick

Distraction Team 1: Cyclops, Meltdown, Hamster, Bevetron, Pyro

Distraction Team 2: Angel, Firestar, Polaris, Siryn, Cannonball

Prison Team 1: Phoenix, Legion, Husk, Hubba, Marrow

Prison Team 2: Nightcrawler, Catseye, Blink, Wildchild, Rocky

The Prisoners: Madelyne Pryor, Layla Miller, Korvus Rook'shir, Molly Hayes, Meggan Szardos, Marius Laverne, Garrison Kane, Carmilla Black, Angelo Espinosa, Adrienne Frost

Charles Xavier, Ambassador Bennett Creighten-Hayes, President David Moreau, Thomas Moreau, Magistrate Braddock, Tam Anderson, Genoshan Magistrates, Rachel Kinross, Genegineer, Dr. Sasha Ryan


May 25-28, 2012

Plot Summary

The End of the Beginning: Wanda, Remy, North, and Nico meet to exchange information and come to conclusions about the Citadel; Remy posts to update everyone on the progress of the infiltration and revealing what X-Force has learned thus far, as well as making it known that Vanessa Carlyle is missing. Jean-Phillipe texts Marie-Ange to let her know he set the DVR, and the fridge is stocked with alcohol for when they get back.

May 27: Wade texts Marie-Ange some Justin Bieber lyrics. End of the Beginning: Scott announces on the x_team journal that they're leaving in one hour for Genosha; Lorna texts her mother before leaving for Genosha; Wade leaves a letter for Xavier containing another letter to be opened should he not return from Genosha; Angel leaves voicemails to both her mother and father before heading to Genosha; Kurt leaves three envelopes on his coffee table, for Stefan Szardos, Jimaine Szardos, and John Doe; Scott leaves a message for his grandparents before departing for Genosha; Scott sends a message to his father before going to Genosha; Jean leaves a voicemail for her sister before going to Genosha; Dori leaves a voicemail for her mother and grandfather before heading to Genosha; Wade sends a text to the Wheeze with instructions on various accounts should he not be in touch; Remy texts everyone to commence the operation; Clarice texts her mother and e-mails her father before leaving for Genosha; Doug confirms the go order on the X-Force/X-Factor comms; The first team, consisting of Marie-Ange, North, Emma, and Bishop, makes its move and heads towards the power plant; The second team, made up of Wanda, Jubilee, and Remy, moves in on the security room inside the Citadel; The next team, namely Amanda, Nico, Ororo, and Callisto, heads for the prison complex; Wade and Doug remain behind in the safe house, where they coordinate with the strike teams; The first strike is made on the Citadel by Scott, Lex, Jean-Phillipe, John, and Tabby; The first team of rescuers, consisting of Jean, Paige, Haller, Vance, and Sarah M., reaches the cell block, freeing Meggan, Angelo, Kane, and Molly before something goes wrong; Kurt's team, made up of him, Catseye, Kyle, Dori, and Clarice, infiltrate the prison area in search of their friends and find Phillip Moreau before they also sense something is wrong; the aerial team, composed of Warren, Lorna, Sam, Angelica, and Terry, provide air support to Scott's team on the ground and realize they're in trouble when the heavy combat helicopters come in; the team at the power plant cut the power, but it comes back on and they are attacked by far too many Magistrates and only Bishop and Emma escape, albeit separately; the team at the security bunker is also taken down, with only Wanda getting clear; Ororo's team manage to free Maddie, Marius, and Korvus before they too are ambushed, with Nico and Callisto getting Maddie out and Marius and Korvus fleeing on their own; the safe house is compromised and Doug sacrifices his freedom for Wade, who comes close to being permanently dead after throwing himself out of the window; Scott's team is ambushed with hidden reserves, with Sam swooping in to remove John from the fray before the mutate forces overwhelm the remaining members; Kurt's team in the prisons is ambushed as well, with only Catseye and Dori getting away; Betsy Braddock shows up with Magistrate reinforcements to interrupt Jean's group's rescue mission, and after Catseye helps evacuate Meggan and Molly only Angelo, Jean, and Kane get away; the aerial team gets overwhelmed as well, with Sam taking off to rescue John and just Lorna and Warren remaining in the air to regroup; Ororo keeps the Magistrates at bay as Callisto, Nico, and Maddie search for an exit route, while Angelo, Jean, and Kane "borrow" some uniforms before finding their own way out; Wade meets up with Jean-Phillipe and informs him the safe house is compromised, and they move on, while Emma, Marius, and Wanda manage to commandeer a helicopter and make a run for it; Catseye, Meggan, and Molly escape via the air ducts and find an ambulance to take; Sam and John dodge attack choppers in their flight from the Genoshan forces, crashlanding briefly before continuing their escape on foot; Warren and Lorna continue their stand against the helicopters, fighting them off as long as they can before escaping themselves; Artie, Jean-Paul, and Sooraya run into Bishop, who has several soldiers following him, and they dispatch them together, while Wade and Jean-Phillipe run into trouble but are found by Matt, Fred, and Megan, who help them out before they find a vehicle to take. The Unrelenting Struggle: Kurt attempts to comfort Jubilee while sharing the same cell en route to Prenova.

May 28: End of the Beginning: The captured mutants are brought before President Moreau and his brother Thomas; President Moreau demonstrates how scary he can be when he intimidates and abuses his prisoners to try and break down their will to fight; Thomas Moreau demonstrates to the captive mutants what will happen if they retaliate; Charles and the Genoshan ambassador have a brief meeting that shakes Charles to the core; Charles leaves a voicemail for Moira and Nathan regarding Rachel; Charles makes a post to x_journal announcing the Genoshan's trap and the capture of their fellow mutants, asking everyone else to check in, regroup, and be safe.

Related Links


Jenny Ransome

Phillip Moreau

The Citadel

Genosha Arc

External Links

The End of the Beginning

x_journal posts

x_communication posts

x_team posts

Trivia and Meta


Following the rescue attempt, the tallies were as follows:

Escaped: Madelyne Pryor, Garrison Kane, Angelo Espinosa, Molly Hayes, Meggan Szardos, Marius Laverne, Jean-Paul Beaubier, Artie Maddicks, Sooraya Qadir, Megan Gwynn, Matt Murdock, Fred Dukes, Emma Frost, Wade Wilson, Wanda Maximoff, Sharon Smith, Warren Worthington, Jean-Phillipe Colbert, Nico Minoru, Lucas Bishop, John Allerdyce, Sam Guthrie, Jean Grey, Callisto.

Captured: Scott Summers, Paige Guthrie, Remy LeBeau, Sarah Morlocke, Ororo Munroe, Marie-Ange Colbert, Kyle Gibney, David North, Kurt Wagner, Doreen Green, Clarice Ferguson, Alexander Lexington, Amanda Sefton, Jubilation Lee, Tabitha Smith, Theresa Cassidy, David Haller, Doug Ramsey, Vance Astrovik, [Angelica Jones]].

Still Imprisoned: Layla Miller, Korvus Rook'shir, Carmilla Black, Adrienne Frost.


Plotrunner: Dex

This arc is the X-Project version of the epic canon storyline X-Tinction Agenda.