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<li>''Operation: Louisana Lowdown:'' The conclusion of ''[[New Orleans: The Pontchartrain Strain]]''. When things start to heat up in the South, [[X-Force]] has to move quickly.</li>
Spring Break: [[April 2011| April 17-27, 2011!]].
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Revision as of 17:08, 25 February 2011

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Featured Article:

Moa legion.png
Moment of Awesome - David Haller/Legion: Following his "healing" at the hands of Radha Dastoor, Haller meets with Quentin concerning his newfound ally's methods.

"Quentin. Thanks for meeting me."

Though the double-barreled shotgun Quentin held was only a psychic construct, as evidenced by the fact it was bright pink and glowed, Sydney's gun safety lessons were ingrained, so Quentin lowered it and set it aside before turning to face his visitor. "Jimothy. You seem . . . different. Did you do something with your hair?"

"No. I went to see Radha a couple days ago." The older man paused, as if struggling to find the right word. Then, seeming to find nothing more accurate, he said, "She cured me."

"Of your crippling need to sacrifice your own wellbeing for the sake of helping other people who barely appreciate it?"

"No." Haller looked at the target so recently decimated by Quentin's shotgun and raised a hand.

It happened slowly enough that the process was clear to the naked eye. The noise came first: a tortured snapping, like someone slowly bending a two by four. The wooden posts began to splinter as if unseen hands were rending the wood apart from every angle, shredding them into dozens, then hundreds, then thousands of pieces barely bigger than matchsticks. They hung in the air, a latticework of drifting wood, and the X-Man twisted his hand. The particles began to smolder, then swirl. A column of tiny flames swirled into the air like a swarm of fireflies. With a final snap of Haller's fingers the column exploded outward into a shining cloud.

The tattered paper target fluttered to the grass, untouched.

Ash raining around them, Haller turned back to Quentin.

"My other problem."

It was an impressive display, kind of showboaty considering Quentin's own telekinesis was limited to carrying groceries or packing a bowl, though he could appreciate the drama of it all, particularly the final snap.

"Looks like she just replaced mental illness with compulsory destruction of property," he sighed as he dismissed his psychic shotgun in a puff of pink mist. He would have to take to the Danger Room now to practice, and he really did not care to have any X-Man watching over his shoulder. "Not her best work. But a cure's a cure, I guess."

"I didn't ask for one. She didn't even warn me. She just did it." The words were uncharacteristically sharp. Even as he heard it he tried to rein himself in, but it was difficult. His emotions seemed to be closer to the surface, messier, especially the aspects that had previously been delegated to Cyndi and Jack. Haller took a deep breath and tried to choose his next words with care.

"Look," he said, "Radha saw something she thought was ugly, and instead of asking she just changed it. She went into my mind and made me conform to her expectations of what a real person should look like. Like I was just a piece of broken furniture she found on the side of the road that she could refurbish and sell off again." The counselor shook his head. "I know you respect her, and that she seems to have done a lot of good for a lot of people, but if this is how she thinks -- what are the implications for the world she's trying to build?"

Quentin crossed his arms and defiantly glared at Haller. (Just David now? He wondered. This meant Cyndi was gone. Pity.) "Seems to me she healed a lifetime of trauma and intense psychological impairment, which you've spent how many decades trying to treat? And no one else has ever even come close to it, while she did it in the blink of an eye. Painlessly. She found your problem and fixed you, and I bet she didn't even ask for a 'thank you' in return."

"That's the thing. She didn't fix anything. She just got rid of how I dealt with it. DID is a survival mechanism, not a party trick. If Radha had bothered to ask, I'd have told her the others were created to hold experiences and memories so traumatic I almost lost my mind, and that all she did by removing my ability to dissociate was ungate them for me all at once. Now I remember everything. Feel everything. Unfiltered." Haller took a swift step forward that brought him immediately into Quentin's space, staring the younger man dead in the eyes. A small blotch of brown in his left eye was the only remaining trace of his natural heterochromia, but the ice in his tone could have been Jack's.

"Tell me I'm lucky to remember the sound of fat popping while I burned six people alive," Haller whispered. "Tell me I should thank her for the memory of being trapped in every single one of their disintegrating minds as I tore the tendons from their bones. That I owe her for a memory I didn't even know I had: being trapped in the rubble under my guardian's corpse, smelling charred human meat while the flies crawled over us."

He was breathing hard now, and he could feel the telekinesis shivering just beneath his skin -- close. Too close. This wasn't Quentin's fault. Haller turned away and pressed his hands to his face, steadying himself. He took another deep breath. "Sorry," he said, "but those decades of worthless treatment are the only reason I'm still standing here."

Today in XProject:

September 20

2003: The field trip returns from Muir early to avoid Hurricane Isabel. Bobby returns home for a visit to try and reconcile with his family. Crimson Dawn: Essex notifies the staff of Betsy's condition.

2004: Nathan has another conversation about atonement, this time with Amanda. He then is almost ambushed by Sarah and learns more about her appreciation of violence, and then power-trains with Shinobi. Scott and Haroun take the Blackbird out for a test flight, Shiro organizes a Plan to bring Alex and Lorna back together and then tries to explain to Madelyn why he’s so insistent on punishment for August, Alison “bumps” into Alex and tells him how Lorna is really doing, and Amanda and Manuel manage some cuteness when she gives him an amulet to help him with written English.

2005: Upgrade: Haroun regains consciousness; Forge announces the cybernetic upgrade is ready to be implanted; Alison buys the company that manufactures the components. Lusanya says goodbye to Manuel before fading; Amanda emails him in the morning asking if he's all right. It's six months since Youra and Nathan talks to psychic hallucinations of his friends. Jean starts to crack under the pressure. Nathan mentions some of his odd symptoms to Jean and she gets data on one of his fits.

2006: Bleeding: Over at the Snow Valley offices, Doug and Angie make a breakthrough: they know where Jennie and Marius are and who they are with; Kurt seeks out Ororo so he can go on the mission to get Marius and Jennie.

2007: Terry begs for a social life.

2008: Callie and Clarice go shopping. Amanda gets a new name from Catseye before the bus run. Somewhere More Familiar: While in New York, Jane runs into someone who recognises her - from her previous life. Cessily emails Kevin about his lack of presence. Jennie posts drunk to her journal again.

2009: Operation: Man of Stone: X-Force attacks General Zakharov's compound to take down the genetic supersoldiers, though Zakharov flees.

2010: Jean texts Piotr to ask him out for coffee the next day. Jean and Vanessa go trawling for a new male persona for Vanessa and things wind up a bit more complicated than intended with Jean's telepathy thrown into the mix. Cammie and Jubilee wind up having a "weird video I found on the Internet" war after Cammie posts the first shot. Jean-Paul and Kevin have a relaxed morning and talk about the need for Jean-Paul to have a suite when he has an apartment in New York.

2011: Adrienne develops a fear of pythons after watching a TV show. Adrienne and Garrison have an awkward encounter down at Harry's.

2012: Artie posts up a music video which uses projectors on a screen to create the illusion of movement through various scenarios. Maddie posts to inform people that a year ago "Don’t Ask Don’t Tell" was repealed and the military hasn’t seen the dire consequences that were threatened. Sonatorrek: Jean informs those who had been with Garrison in Aitkins that they have purged the chaos magic, but Garrison’s mindscape is still shattered and they will still have to put it back together; Jean sends Adrienne an e-mail to keep her updated on Garrison’s situation; Adrienne stops by her sister’s office to ask Emma to help put Garrison’s mind back together. Angelo makes plans to spend the evening with Jean-Phillipe.

2013: Wade emails Logan and Korvus about finishing their car project and taking it for its first drive. Callie suggests apple picking.

2014: Higher Than Hope: Scanner, Hope, and Amy talk to Amy’s mother about the internship offer, deciding to go for coffee to give Mrs. Wright time to think; Hope, Laurie, and Amy are kidnapped by Azazel and Scanner at the coffee shop when they refuse to stay and talk to Scanner about fostering their talents. Wade texts Tabitha about being bored. Clint helps Matt pick out a tie and they discuss Keller’s party, normalcy, and a girl they knew from foster care. Sue and Julian meet at the party. Cecilia posts asking about rides to and from Keller’s party. Angel dissuades Yvette from smoking a joint at the party by offering to play drinking games with her; later, Fred finds her dancing on a table in a most uncharacteristic way and some truths are revealed about how each of them are not-coping with the aftermath of the Fury mission. Pixie dusts a small section of the dance floor at the party, including Julian, and mentions Artie being her boyfriend before Julian commissions her to do an art project for his place. Gabriel flirts with Julian at the party but Julian is oblivious.

2015: After both striking out at the club, Gabriel and Quentin find themselves in bed together the morning after and wind up making the most of it. Alex and Gabriel meet in the kitchen and have Chinese leftovers for breakfast. Wade emails Adrienne offering food and is unhappy to learn she is leaving the mansion; Adrienne texts Garrison to let him know she’s moving to her penthouse in New York. Molly is unimpressed by Pintrest’s eggplant recipes. Amadeus warns people the fire alarms might go off but there’s nothing to worry about. Clint lets Matt know it’s a family dinner instead of family breakfast the next day. Jubilee apologises by text to Adrienne, but gets no response. Clint’s curiosity is roused when he runs into Jennie in the hall. Quentin leaves Clint a thank you gift (and a threat) for the talk.

2016: Alex injures himself and Cecilia responds with her characteristic bedside manner. Darcy posts about what she is getting for Christmas. The Dulcet Sound of My Voice: Plans are made to undo the damage Garrulous has done; Hope A. and Doug manufacture fake evidence to break up the ring of staffers.

2017: Reed offers to be Hank’s mentor, an offer which Hank quickly accepts. Quentin asks Sooraya if she ever found the guys who lynched the two mutants in the city. Psi War: Amanda emails Stephen and Wanda asking for their help with the ritual.

2018: Maya posts a cartoon to her journal. Lorna asks if she and Alex can make going to Ireland an annual retreat.

2019: Training Day: Training continues in Fos-Sur-Mer for Gabriel.


2021: Tandy texts Hope A., Molly, and Topaz to inform them that Julian has left the mansion and they've broken up.

2022: Gabriel emails Marie-Ange about the job she has for him in Mexico and the Southern United States.

2023: Terry requests some spare muscle for an upcoming supply run. Liam goes to Sharon S. to share an amazing idea he's had about a 'human' sized cat tree.

XProject Announcements and News:

Check out this Jean Grey-Summers YouTube vid by Mackinzie!

Also, welcome new player Jeff, who brings back Sarah Vale! Welcome to the madhouse!

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